Page 157 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 157

Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  157

               Rietveld analyses of neutron and               ple resulted Ba0.45Sr0.55Co0.80Fe0.20O2.427
               X-ray diffraction patterns                     (δ = 0.573).

               The Neutron Diffraction Laboratory is also
               involved in studies that employ the Rietveld
               quantitative phase analysis using neutron and
               X-ray diffraction patterns. The studies present-
               ed below were all made in cooperation with
               other groups. The X-ray diffraction patterns
               were measured at different laboratories, in-
               side and outside IPEN, and the neutron dif-
               fraction ones in the high-resolution diffrac-
               tometer Aurora.

               Oxygen stoichiometry in BSCF

               In a co-operative study between the Science
               and Technology of Materials Centre and the
               Neutron Diffraction Laboratory, the compound
               Ba0.50Sr0.50Co0.80Fe0.20O3-δ (BSCF) has
               been studied. BSCF is a candidate for air elec-
               trodes in Intermediate Temperature Solid Ox-
               ide Fuel Cells (ITSOFC). This work deals with
               the oxygen vacancy in BSCF. The EDTA- Citrate
               method was applied to a solution of barium,
               strontium, cobalt and ferrite nitrate salts to   Fig 6. X-ray (a) and neutron (b) diffraction patterns employed
                                                              in the combined X-ray and neutron Rietveld refinement.
               synthesize the compound. Three portions of
               the product were calcinated at 700, 800 and
               900 oC, for five hours in air. Rietveld phase   Thermal analysis and phase relations
               analyses applied to the three samples found    in the system La2W2O9-Li2W2O7
               that only that calcinated at 900 oC showed to
               be a single-phase BSCF. Use of neutrons was    The pseudobinary phase diagram La2W2O9-Li-
               fundamental for the determination of the ox-   2W2O7 has been described, for the first time,
               ygen stoichiometry in the sample. As a matter   in a co-operative work done in the Crystal
               of fact, oxygen is a light atom and it becomes   Growth and the Neutron Diffraction Labora-
               ‘invisible’ to X rays when associated to heavy   tories, both at IPEN, and in the Leibniz Insti-
               atoms, like those in the formula of BSCF. This   tute for Crystal Growth, IKZ- Berlin, Germany.
               is a classical case where neutrons shall be used   The phase diagram contains the intermediate
               instead of X rays. Actually, a combination of X   tungstate LiLa(WO4)2 which has been studied
               rays and neutrons was applied to this case. The   as a prospective laser host material. Li2 CO3,
               stoichiometry in the single-phase sample was   La2O3 and WO3 powders were used as start-
               then determined by using a combined X-ray      ing materials to synthesize the compounds
               and neutron Rietveld refinement. The stoichio-  La2W2O9 and Li2W2O7. These two compounds
               metric formula for the single-phase BSCF sam-  were mixed in different proportions, heated
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