Page 162 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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162 Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report
cyclists investigated by instrumental
neutron activation analysis %) and Ca (78 %) and an increase in Fe (26 %),
S (82 %) and Zn (22 %) levels were evidenced.
Cycling is one of the most efficient forms of These results emphasize the importance of
human locomotion requiring low energy per blood monitoring for the maintenance of en-
unit mass per distance traveled. It is considered durance athletes performance.
an aerobic activity that helps metabolic func-
tions of the whole body, leading to health ben- Determination of Iron in blood
efits. Cycling has been recognized as a means using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence
of promoting public health and some large Spectrometer: an alternative
population studies have shown the effects of for Sports Medicine
commuting by bicycle on reducing mortali-
ty and cardiovascular risk and lower rates of High aerobic activity and poor dietary habits
obesity (in regions with high rates of cycling). may results in depletion of body iron stores,
Good athlete’s performance is characterized by which could decrease aerobic performance
a combination of factors among which stand and increase the risks of fatigue and immune
out physical training and proper nutritional disorders. Athletes, particularly those involved
intake. Although physical activities provide in endurance sports, are commonly diagnosed
health benefits, cyclists impose considerable with iron deficiency, which leads to higher
demands on their body during both training risks of fatigue, overtraining syndrome and
and competition period, which can result in vulnerability to infection. On the other hand,
muscle injury depending on the intensity and excess of iron is toxic: it can deposit in the form
duration used in the efforts. Similarly, a bal- of aggregates in tissues such as liver, heart,
anced nutrition should provide nutrients to pancreas and joints leading to irreversible or-
support growth, development and mainte- gan dysfunction. Adequate iron intake recom-
nance of several metabolic and physiological mended for adults are 8 mg/d for men and 18
processes. A balanced nutrition reduces fa- mg/d for women and the tolerable upper in-
tigue, increases the willingness and prevents take levels for adults are 45 mg/d. As a result,
the occurrence of injuries and infections, im- the use of supplements by athletes must be
proving performance and recovery post-exer- strictly controlled. An alternate methodol-
cise. Several clinical analysis, mainly in serum ogy based on a portable X-ray fluorescence
and urine, are performed regularly in athletes spectrometry (PXRFS) for determination of
to check their physical condition, such as, se- Fe in blood was applied. The iron concentra-
rum glucose, non-esterified fatty acids, thyroid tions was determined in whole blood of am-
hormones and insulin levels as well as plasma ateur athletes (runners) using this portable
ions. The purpose of this study was to perform XRF spectrometer and compared with a con-
an investigation in blood of cyclists in constant trol group (male donors at the same age, but
training for the last 6 years. In this study, Br, Ca, not involved with physical activities). It was
Cl, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S and Zn levels in blood sam- observed that Fe status in runners’ blood was
ples of cyclists were investigated using neu- kept near upper limit and in some cases above
tron activation analysis technique. The results the normal range, suggesting a slight tenden-
were compared to individuals of the same age cy of iron overload. This increase may cause
and gender, but not involved with physical ac- risk of infection, decreasing the athlete perfor-
tivities (control group), which showed consid- mance and, in more severe cases, it can evolve
erable differences: a decrease mainly in Br (91 to neurodegenerative disorders. Considering
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares