Page 161 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Nuclear Science and Technology | Progress Report  161

               the restorers of cultural heritage objects. The   pared to the procedures used in convention-
               tomography along with the other important      al clinical practice. Specifically, in this study,
               neutron imaging techniques such as the one     a portable X-ray spectrometer with Ag X-ray
               of “real-time” to investigate dynamic process-  mini-tube has been employed for evaluation
               es of liquids, to evaluate water distribution   of inorganic elements in whole blood in mice
               into Hydrogen fuel cells (proton exchange      species with Muscular Dystrophy. This dis-
               membranes - P.E.M.), positioning of rubber     ease is characterized by presenting an irre-
               o’rings into metal devices, evaluation of ad-  versible progressive degeneration of skeletal
               hesive distribution in several kind of materi-  muscle. This happens because this disorder is
               als and others, demonstrate the wide appli-    caused by a mutation located in humans on
               cation of the neutron imaging techniques in    the X chromosome, i.e., considering that the
               several research fields, which are available at   female has two X chromosomes and the male
               IPEN-CNEN/SP.                                  only one, males are affected while in females
                                                              both chromosomes must be mutated to be af-
               Radiation Spectroscopy and                     fected, so the incidence is significantly lower.

               Spectrometry laboratory                        For this reason, most females are the DMD
                                                              carriers. Currently, no effective treatment is
               The Radiation Spectroscopy and Spectrome-      available and the muscular dystrophy research
               try laboratory (LEER) at IPEN focuses its activ-  progress depends on animal models. Usually
               ities in measurement of radiations applied     the conventional procedures for clinical tests
               to health and environment areas.  Analysis     are performed in serum using samples of 0.5
               of biological materials in humans and ani-     to 1.0 mL. However, when the biological ma-
               mal models were performed to obtain refer-     terial is scarce (case of small size animal mod-
               ence values for use in diagnosis of different   el, i.e. mice), the possibility to use whole blood
               pathologies. These data are relevant to both   became a fascinating alternative for clinical
               veterinary medicine and to public health ar-   practice: the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluo-
               eas. These investigations are performed us-    rescence (EDFRX) analyses can be done using
               ing Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) and X    50 μL (the total body blood in mice is around
               -Ray Florescence (XRF) analytic techniques. In   1.0 mL). In this study, we investigated whole
               this period, several investigations in veterinary   blood samples of three dystrophic mice strains:
               and sport medicine, immunology, genetic and    Dmdmdx/J, SJL/J and A/J. This alternative pro-
               nutritional fields were performed in collabo-  cedure was capable, in a few minutes, to de-
               ration with several Research Center: Institu-  termine inorganic elements of clinical rele-
               to Butantan, UNISA, UNICAMP, IFUSP, UFF, FEI,   vance (such as: Ca, Cl, K, Fe, P) in whole blood
               IQSC-USP, CEGH-IBC and HU/USP. The follow-     without chemical digestion using direct and
               ing studies were conducted:                    non-destructive analysis. The knowledge of
                                                              the elemental composition in whole blood of
               Whole blood differences of inorganic           these animal models may help to identify the
               elements in dystrophic animal models           physiologic difference among them. Moreover,
                                                              these data can also be useful for biochemistry
               The use of alternative analytical techniques to   analyses contributing to studying in more de-
               investigate specific electrolytes in body fluids   tails the anomalies caused by DMD.
               has increased in past years with the goal of
               adding advantages and simplifications, com-    Blood elements concentration in
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