Page 257 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle | Progress Report  257

               Reactor Engineering                            mary documents and data released in com-
               and Energy Systems                             puter-readable form; c) promoting the use

                                                              of the format and methods developed and
                                                              seeking to have them adopted as a standard.
               Reactor Physics benchmarks                     The experiments have been performed at the
               at the IPEN/MB-01                              IPEN/MB-01 research reactor facility. Several

                                                              experiments have been designed, executed
               During the last decades, the reactor phys-     and analyzed. More than 100 critical config-
               ics group of the nuclear Engineering Center    urations have been approved to be included
               of IPEN is participating in two internation-   in the ICSBEP handbook. From these experi-
               al programs for elaboration of benchmarks      ments, it is possible to mention the critical
               of experiments on critical facilities. The pro-  configurations with borated stainless steel
               grams are the working groups ICSBEP (Inter-    used in the storage pool of Angra-I and Angra-
               national Criticality Safety Benchmark Evalua-  II power plants to save storage space. Anoth-
               tion Project) and IRPhE (International Reactor   er experiment was a central void simulation
               Physics Evaluation Program) both sponsored     with an aluminum block. More recently, the
               by INL (Idaho National Laboratory, USA) and    reactor physics group completed a series of
               NEA (Nuclear Energy Agency). ICSBEP is de-     experiments with a heavy reflector made of
               voted to criticality safety benchmarks and     SS-304 to give support to the EPR develop-
               IRPhE is more related to reactor physics ex-   ment in Europe. In the reactor physics area
               periments in general. The purpose of ICSBEP    (IRPhE), a series of benchmark experimental
               is: a) identify a comprehensive set of criti-  problems on the isothermal reactivity coeffi-
               cal benchmark data and, to the extent possi-   cient of light water reactors were carried out.
               ble, verify the data by reviewing original and   Those experiments contributed to give sup-
               subsequently revised documentation, and        port on data evaluation of 235U in the ther-
               by talking with experimenters; b) evaluate     mal energy region of neutron.
               the data and quantify overall uncertainties
               through various types of sensitivity analyses;   New Core in the IPEN/MB-01 Reactor
               c) compile the data into a standardized for-   to Support Licensing Needs of the
               mat; d) perform calculations of each experi-   RMB (Multipurpose Brazilian Reactor)
               ment with standard criticality safety codes;
               e) formally document the work into a single    The fuel elements for the Brazilian Multipur-
               source of verified benchmark critical data. The   pose Reactor (RMB) will be produced in Brazil
               work of ICSBEP group is documented as an In-   and(,) consequently, there will be needs of ex-
               ternational Handbook of Evaluated Criticali-   perimental support of several quantities relat-
               ty Safety Benchmark Experiments. The IRPhE     ed to the operational behavior of these fuels,
               project aims to provide the nuclear commu-     mainly taking into consideration the future
               nity with qualified benchmark data sets by     licensing needs of this reactor. By means of a
               collecting reactor physics experimental data   research contract with FINEP, the IPEN/MB-
               from nuclear facilities worldwide. More spe-   01 reactor is being totally adapted for accom-
               cifically, the objectives of the expert group   modation of a new core with fuel elements of
               are as follows: a) maintaining an inventory    RMB. The project involves several blanches of
               of the experiments that have been carried      Nuclear Engineering: Reactor Physics, Instru-
               out and documented; b) archiving the pri-      mentation and Control, Structural and Me-
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