Page 258 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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258 Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle | Progress Report
chanical Analysis, Accident Analysis, Nuclear STAR Test Section for of loss of coolant
Fuel, among others. The foreseen schedule is experiments in IEA-R1 Research Reactor
that this new core will be in operation at the
end of 2018. Among the several challenges
of this project, it resides the fixation and the
geometry preservation of the RMB burnable
poison (Cadmium wire 0.4mm diameter) in
the fuel element. The reactor physics experi-
ments to be performed will have a dual pur-
pose: to support of RMB licensing needs and
at the same time to be benchmarks for the
international nuclear community. In this re-
search project under consideration, part of the
experiments will be performed in the actual
core of the IPEN/MB-01 reactor and part will
be performed during the commissioning of Figure 3. Fuel miniplates of UMo-Al pro-
the new core. The experimental results will duced by CCN-IPEN and acrylic irradiator.
be evaluated and submitted to ICSBEP and to
IRPhE. Parallel to that, modernizations in the STAR Test Section was designed to simulate
control and in the interlock systems of the loss of coolant experiments using the Instru-
IPEN/MB-01 reactor will be performed. Figure mented Fuel Assembly EC-208 of the IEA-R1
1 shows a schematic layout of the new core. Research Reactor. STAR has received financial
This is an array of 4 x 5 fuel elements with a support of the Nuclear Engineering Center of
massisse aluminum block at its center. Also, the IPEN-CNEN/SP. The STAR was designed
heavy water reflector is employed in order to to conduct experiments of partial and com-
have some RMB similarities. plete uncovering. The proposed experiments
aim is the reproduction of heat transfer con-
ditions similar to those expected in loss of
coolant accident in researches reactors, with
safe and controlled way. Experimental data
can be used to validation or development of
computational tools for LOCA analysis. STAR
Test Section comprises a base, a cylindrical
stainless steel vessel, and the instrumenta-
tion. It uses the compressed air system of the
IEA-R1 reactor for uncovering process. In ad-
dition to the fourteen thermocouples of the
EC-208, STAR has more four thermocouples
and one differential pressure transducer to
the water level measurement inside the ves-
sel. Figure 2 shows the base, with a “dum-
my” fuel assembly, representing the EC-208,
and the Fig. 3 shows the STAR with the ves-
Figure 1: Plate Type Core of the IPEN/MB-01 Reactor sel mounted on the base.
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares