Page 262 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 262

262   Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle | Progress Report

                   Electric                                                               Chimney
                   generator       P-7           P-1                              Cooling
                                                      Exaustion gas               Tower
                    Reheating               GAS                                                     Return
                                                 V-13                                               water
                   Electric                                           Exaustion gas  Chiller
                   generator      P-10           P-9                                                Chilled
                                                      Exaustion gas                                 water
                    Reheating               GAS                                           Chimney
                                                 V-15                             Cooling
                   Electric                                                       Tower
                   generator      P-12           P-13                                               Return
                                                      Exaustion gas                                 water
                    Reheating               GAS                       Exaustion gas  Chiller
                                                 V-17                                               Chilled
                   Electric                                                                         water
                   generator      P-17           P-16
                                                      Exaustion gas
                                     Air                                                  Chimney
                    Reheating               GAS                                   Cooling
                                                 V-20                             Tower
                   Electric                                                                         Return
                   generator      P-19           P-18                                               water
                                                      Exaustion gas
                                     Air                              Exaustion gas  Chiller
                    Reheating               GAS                                                     Chilled
                                                 V-21                                               water
                   generator      P-21           P-22
                                                      Exaustion gas
                                     Air                                       Figure 8. Cogeneration system with six mi-
                    Reheating                                                  croturbines and three absorption chillers.

               has more possibilities for deployment in Bra-  also performed to evaluate the installation of
               zil. The energy consumption per square meter   cogeneration systems in CCE-USP. A schemat-
               will be higher because of the concentration of   ic is shown in Fig. 4 consisting of 6 microtur-
               processing volume. The challenge of this new   bines of 65kWe and three absorption chillers
               generation of data centers will be the pursuit   of 66 TR each one. In this case, we would still
               of energy efficiency. The project involved a   have plenty of energy of ~ 6% compared to the
               survey carried out in ECC (Electronic Comput-  peak demand of heat and only 5% compared to
               ing Center) of the University of São Paulo. The   the thermal demand currently installed. This
               Electronic Computer Center (ECC) of the USP    research is part of a research project for Dis-
               involves coordinating body of the main func-   tributed Generation and Cogeneration with
               tions of computer and data communication       Natural Gas: Technological and Institutional
               at the University of São Paulo, also providing   Barriers and were conducted in conjunction
               computer services to the university commu-     with the IEE-USP.
               nity of the USPA. Figure 3 shows a picture of
               the data center. Surveys and records electrical   Flow regime identification and
               equipment currently used in air conditioning   heat transfer coefficient in the
               and ventilation system were made from the      core of ANGRA-II nuclear power
               center. The part of the field survey was con-  plant during small break LOCA
               ducted by IEE - USP. Several simulations were   simulated with RELAP5 code

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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