Page 264 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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264 Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle | Progress Report
the induction to a community participative cul- ar segment and the community is essential.
ture. Notwithstanding, a growing demand by In Brazil, the construction of Angra-III NPP
the society related to the environment and so- and the RMB (Multipurpose Research Reac-
cial issues has been evidenced, converging the tor) project stand as nuclear initiatives that
environmental theme to a holistic approach improve the importance of a good communi-
and, also, to the life quality concern. There- cation with the public. Security issues of these
fore, private and public organizations have projects are natural sources of concernment
given more attention to issues involving their to the public, which is aggravated by events
internal and external clients and/or users, in such as the Fukushima disaster. Without an
view of their products or services and social effective communication about what the pres-
aspects, including those covering their work- ence of nuclear plants and reactors in a specif-
ers and collaborators health and safety: with ic area means, the interested public will only
this overall purpose, an Integrated Manage- have an alarmist vision of the subject, given
ment System (IMS) for Quality, Environment, by those against these facilities.
Health and Safety was created. This manage-
ment policy has been, commonly, employed Experimental and numerical thermal-
in the private sector, even though a small, but hydraulic studies on plate type fuels
yet expressive part of it refers to the public for research nuclear reactors
area. In face of this scenario, it may be fore-
seen that the motivations for adopting such The objective of this research project is to carry
management tool and the methods used for out experimental and numerical thermal-hy-
this goal may differ, according to the econom- draulic studies on plate type fuels for research
ic context. Under this point of view, this work nuclear reactors. One of the research in devel-
had the target of analyzing, qualitatively, the opment is the test of an instrumented fuel el-
process of setting the IMS in a public institu- ement pattern, plate type, for thermal-hydrau-
tion. Eventually, a targeted result was to iden- lic evaluation of the cooling of the fuel plates,
tify advantages and disadvantages for a pub- especially the side plates, which form chan-
lic institution. nels between adjacent elements, and thus pro-
vide information, not available in the litera-
2.1.11 Risk Communication Importance ture, to improvements in design, construction
and operation conditions of cores of research
Risk Communication has shown its importance reactors. This was motivated by ensuring the
in the elaboration of emergency plans in the safety of the IEA-R1 reactor increasing power
Chemical industry. In the 90’s, the UNEP de- up to 5 MW. Another research project aims to
veloped the APELL (Awareness and Prepared- design and build a test section for the study
ness for Emergency at Local Level) plan, a risk of induced flow in fuel elements of nuclear re-
management methodology used by dangerous search reactors parallel plate type vibrations.
chemical facilities. The methodology compris- The study of the dynamic of the parallel plate
es the commitment of both Government and fuel elements behavior is of great importance
the community located in the risk area in the to the safety of nuclear research reactors where
development of the emergency plan. In the the flow of cooling fluid may reach high oper-
nuclear sector, there is no similar methodol- ational conditions (critical speeds) causing vi-
ogy developed so far. However, establishing a brations and may, in the latter case lead to the
communication channel between the nucle- collapse of fuel plates, which can result in se-
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares