Page 266 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 266

266   Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle | Progress Report

               pled pipe, props and equipment of primary cir-  The relationship between these three types of
               cuit pipeline of IEA-R1 indicated design modi-  failures can be showed in Figure 1 where the
               fications of the media. Technical reports were   EAC domain is the union of the three circles,
               prepared as part of the announcement to re-    each one representing the three failure modes.
               form the pipeline with the following specifi-  The SCC is caused by three main factors: (i) Ma-
               cations: specification of the pipe; specification   terial susceptibility; (ii) Environmental condi-
               supports; pipe stress analysis; stress analysis   tion; (iii) Tensile stresses (applied and residu-
               of media. It was detected in advance the prob-  al). Sometimes, CF is considered a particular
               lems that occurred with the pipe IEA-R1, new   case of SCC, where the load is cyclical, and HIC
               project of supported channels, and specifica-  should be considered as a mechanism of SCC.
               tions for piping and brackets were developed.

               On Stress Corrosion Cracking

               Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) is a sudden and
               difficult-to-predict severe degradation mode
               of failure of nuclear, petrochemical, and oth-
               er industries. This chapter aims to give a gen-
               eral view for SCC based in the authors expe-
               rience on more than ten years working with
               this kind of failure (mainly in PWR Nuclear    Figure 14 Diagram showing the relationship between
               Plant) in the Brazilian Energy and Nuclear Re-  SCC, CF, and HIC. When the frequency ν is less than 0.1Hz,
                                                              SCC and HIC are possible; above this value it is C
               search Institute.

               SCC is a cause of several serious accidents due   Residual Stress Assessment
               to sudden failures, difficult to predict, in equip-  Applied to Finite Element Pressure
               ments related to industrial plants, pressure   Hull Instability Analysis
               vessels, high-pressure piping, ducts, and struc-
               tures. One gives three following examples: (i)   Residual stress produced by cold bending and
               Silver Bridge collapse in 1967, over Ohio Riv-  welding processes contributes to collapse pres-
               er at Point Pleasant, West Virginia, USA with   sure reduction on submarine hulls. Usually,
               46-killed people; (ii) Catastrophic disk rupture   the residual stress profiles used to quantity
               of a steam turbine from nuclear power plant    this reduction is obtained from analytical or
               Hinkley Point Power Station, England in 1969,   numerical models.
               with enormous material losses, machine de-
               struction, and financial losses due to the long   However, such models have limitations to
               period of operation impeachment; (iii) Flixbor-  take into account in the same time cold bend-
               ough accident, England in 1974, due to a reac-  ing and welding. Hence, experimental anal-
               tor failure, has caused 28 killed people, sever-  yses are necessary to better quantify the re-
               al injured people, and big material losses. SCC   sidual stress.
               may be classified as an Environmental Assist-
               ed Cracking (EAC), besides Corrosion Fatigue   Based on that, experimental residual stress
               (CF) and Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC).      profiles through the material thickness were

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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