Page 318 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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318 Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report
Materials Characterization
and Visualization
Scientific Visualization in Materials
The Research Group for Scientific Visualiza-
tion in Materials (GVCM) is part of the Mate-
rials Science and Technology Center (CCTM). It
was formed in 2009 responding to a need for
a multidisciplinary space for sharing research
and ideas related to Scientific Visualization, Vir-
tual Reality, Computational Simulation and ad- Figure 41: Fluorite (CaF2) structure in different mode views: (a) mo-
vanced teaching methodologies for the study tif formed by one calcium atom (green) and two Fluorine atoms
(yellow and red); (b) Cropped unit cell (c) full unit cell; (d) crystal.
of Materials Science. Although detailed ongo-
ing initiatives are available online at (http://, from 2014 to 2016, GVCM has teaching materials science and engineering
been focused mainly on two key research proj- aiming to provide an easy to use and acces-
ects: CrystalWalk (CW) and GrainCrawler (GC). sible platform to students, professors and re-
searchers. Aligned with the material scienc-
CW is a web-based 3D interactive crystal ed- es and engineering curricula, CW introduces
itor and visualization software designed for a new simplified approach that creates crys-
Figure 42: Advanced Interaction Support using Oculus Rift (head mounted display) and Razer Hydra (tracked joysticks).
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares