Page 321 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 321
Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report 321
Texture ({001}<100>), usually associated with recrys-
tallization, and Goss ({110}<001>). Such a tex-
We studied the influence of particle size from ture would be conducive to balanced earing.
powders and addition of sintering additives The metallographic images for all three sheets
Al2O3 (0.25 to 1 wt.%), H3BO3 (0.25 and 0.50 were alike, with constituents not homoge-
wt.%) and SiO2 (1 wt.%) on strontium ferrite neously distributed and with similar size and
permanent magnets magnetic properties. The chemical compositions in addition to disper-
milling step was carried out in a planetary ball soids finely spread throughout the aluminum
mill with milling time between 30 and 360 matrix. The Erichsen tests also showed alike re-
minutes using 30 ml and 12 ml of deionized sults with an average of 4.6 mm before failure.
water as grinding media with and without sin-
tering additives. After this process, powders Titanium alloys offer high specific strength
were characterized through average particle and excellent corrosion resistance. These char-
size using Fisher Sub Sieve Sizer equipment acteristics make titanium alloys an excellent
and laser granulometry method, average crys- choice for the aerospace sector and medical
tallite size through x-ray diffraction, and mor- engineering. One of the main problems with
phology using scanning electron microscopy using metallic implants for bone replacement
images. These powders were aligned to a 6 T is their relatively high Young’s modulus. The
magnetic field, isostatically pressed and sin- higher stiffness of a prosthesis reduces the
tered at 1220ºC during 25 minutes and 60 stress applied on the bone. We study the ef-
minutes. The sintered magnets were charac- fects of cold deformation and recrystalliza-
terized by its density, pole figures, alignment tion on the microstructure, texture evolution,
degree and magnetic properties through de- and mechanical properties of Ti–30Nb–4Sn al-
magnetization curves. loy. The samples are cold rolled to reduce their
thickness by up to 85%. The most deformed
The aluminum alloy 3104, H19 temper, is com- sample is subjected to recrystallization treat-
monly used in the production of two-piec- ment. The crystallographic texture is deter-
es beverage cans. The objective of the pres- mined by X-ray pole figures. The 51% deformed
ent study is to compare three different rolled sample shows a {203}<010> texture. The 85%
sheets of this alloy. All three of them are rou- deformed sample shows two texture com-
tinely used in production lines dedicated to can ponents: {203}<010> and {130}<-310>, while
manufacturing. The yield strength for all three the recrystallized sample shows a fiber tex-
was found around 265 MPa, the ultimate ten- ture with the {130} plane parallel to the sam-
sile strength 281 MPa, and the average elon- ple surface. Hardness increases and Young’s
gation 4.19%. The strain hardening exponent modulus tends to decrease in response to in-
(n) was similar for all three sheets, averaging creasing deformation. The recrystallized sam-
0.078. The plastic strain ratios for planar an- ple shows low hardness and Young’s modulus.
isotropy (ΔR) and for normal anisotropy were
found to be near zero and 0.4, respectively. Val- The effect of texturing Al2O3 and Al2O3/
ues of ΔR near zero indicate there is no earing ZrO2 surfaces using femtosecond laser has
tendency. The crystallographic texture analy- been evaluated in terms of the roughness, wet-
sis yielded four dominating components: Brass tability and microstructure of the substrate
({110}<112>) and Copper ({112}<111>), which to increase growth efficiency and adhesion of
are typical of strain hardened aluminum, Cube hydroxyapatite. Femtosecond laser treatment