Page 325 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 325

Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report  325

               The results showed new luminescent calcium     DESH / UFU and at the wound management
               phosphate presenting the ideal characteris-    group of the University of the Southwestern
               tics for drug delivery and gene therapy, as a   of Bahia (Figure 47).
               non-viral vector for gene therapy: small par-
               ticle size, spherical shape, mesoporous struc-
               tures, high crystallinity, high specific surface
               area, high positive surface charge and efficient
               red luminescence (Figure 46).

               Development of a ONE POT radiation
               process for the production of an
               advanced wound dressings with Silver
               Nanoparticles based on hydrogels

               Ideal advanced dressings should meet vari-
                                                              Figure 47. Polymeric biomaterials- hydrogels & silver nanoparticles.
               ous requirements, such as: retaining of the
               wound moisture to accelerate healing, trans-
               parency to facilitate inspection; non-adhesion   Development of Gold 198
               to the wound bed to avoid injury and difficul-  nanoparticles for cancer therapy
               ty of exchanging dressings associated with     and theranostic applications
               intense pain; adherence to the health skin
               to facilitate manipulation; softness, compla-  Nanoparticles, in particular gold nanoparti-
               cency and flexibility for pain relief, good ab-  cles, have a wide range of applications in ar-
               sorption of exudate, microbiocidal and an-     eas such as cosmetic, industrial catalysis and
               ti-inflammatory properties. These desirable    medicine. The broad application in medicine
               properties should be attained at the lowest    is mainly explained by the low toxicity, low re-
               possible cost to make it compatible with the   activity and easy modification with biomole-
               Brazilian public health system (SUS). Our re-  cules, and can thus be used to transport drugs
               search group on polymeric biomaterials devel-  and other species that are capable of increas-
               oped a process that combine in only one step   ing cell incorporation.
               (irradiation with ionizing radiation) the com-
               plete sterilization of the dressing already in   According to the National Cancer Institute,
               its final packaging, combined with the forma-  it is estimated in Brazil that around 500,000
               tion of the gelled network, in a simultaneous   people will be diagnosed with any type of
               operation. This step provides crosslinking for   cancer in 2017. Breast and prostate cancers
               adequate mechanical properties to the use as   are the highest incidences, and there are al-
               dressing and provides reduction and stabiliza-  ready numerous effective treatments for can-
               tion of silver nanoparticles which in turn adds   cers with early diagnosis in both cases. How-
               microbiocidal and anti-inflammatory proper-    ever, the treatment is always very aggressive,
               ties to the dressing. Clinical trials have already   charging a high price on the quality of life of
               been carried out in several institutions, with   the patient, so the search for increasingly ef-
               emphasis on the Tocantis ITPAC, the National   fective, more specific and less harmful meth-
               Reference Center on Sanitary Dermatology and   ods to patients are always being developed.
               Leprosy of the University of Uberlandia CRE-   At this point, nanoparticulate systems have
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