Page 326 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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326 Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report
played an important role. for treatment in cultured cells or in animals
with induced tumors.
The use of gold nanoparticles from 198Au is
already a reality. The ability of this metal to Development of Gold nanoparticles as
be used both as a contrast agent for diagno- radiation sensitizers in cancer therapy
sis and as a therapeutic agent classifies it in and as internal nanodosimeter
the class of agent for “theranostic”. Katti and
colleagues have demonstrated that nanopar-
ticles formed from 198Au are highly effective
in the treatment of prostate cancer, a method
proposed by him to prepare these nanoparti-
cles using molecules obtained directly from
natural products such as green tea (epigallo-
catechin- 3-gallate), drawing even more at- Figure 49. 198AuNps en- Figure 50. Internalization in PC-e
tention to these materials, however little was capsulated with Albumin cells of Au nanoparticles conju-
by coupling with3-MPA gated with CD-163 mimic.
presented on the yield and stability of this
method, besides forming nanoparticles with Every year, many millions of people world-
great dispersion of size. wide are diagnosed with cancer and there are
a high percentage of deaths from the disease.
We have recently developed a method capa- Even the survivors of the cancer treatment
ble of generating gold nanoparticles with siz- have serious deleterious heath effect due to
es around 14 nm, very stable (zeta potential chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Radiation
greater than -30 mV) and with a yield great- therapy is very aggressive, but it is an increas-
er than 99.7% using a gold leaf (Figure48). It ing important tool to fight cancer. It is still a
is therefore intended to apply such materials great challenge in radiation therapy to Deliver
in vitro and in vivo tests for the treatment of the proper curative dose of radiation to tumor
both prostate cancer and bladder cancer. while sparing normal tissues from radiation.
We have recently developed a method capa-
ble of generating gold nanoparticles with siz-
es around 14 nm, very stable (zeta potential
greater than -30 mV) and with a yield great-
er than 99.7% using a gold leaf. It is therefore
intended to apply such materials in vitro and
in vivo tests for the treatment of both pros-
tate cancer and bladder cancer.
To this end, the 198AuNps were prepared and
encapsulated with Albumin, by direct physio
Figure 48
absorption effect and with the use of coupling
To this end, the 198AuNps will be prepared and, agents (3-MPA) (Figure 49). Gold nanoparti-
in collaboration with the Laboratory of Nucle- cles were also conjugated with a new peptide
ar Medicine of the University of São Paulo, to- (CD163 mimic) developed by Dr. Rosemeire Sil-
gether with Dr. Fabio Luiz Navarro Marques, va for internalization studies in prostate can-
will be tested both as diagnostic agents and cer cells and pancreatic cancer cells (Figure 50).
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares