Page 322 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 322

322   Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report

               of these materials causes phase transforma-    and CrN peaks in the XRD patterns, while for
               tion from alpha-alumina to gamma-alumina.      the lower periodicity (≤10nm) coatings, just
               Heat effects during femtosecond laser treat-   one intermediate lattice (d-spacing) was de-
               ment causes the grains to be in the nanome-    tected. An almost linear increase of hardness
               ter scale. Without heat effects, the grains are   with decreasing bilayer period indicates that
               in the micrometer scale. The use of femtosec-  interfacial effects can dominate the harden-
               ond laser permits control of the surface rough-  ing mechanisms.
               ness of the alumina specimens. The higher
               the femtosecond laser energy, the higher is    Rietveld´s method
               the wettability of the specimen and the total
               surface energy. Specimens with laser textured   The aim of this study was to evaluate the ag-
               surfaces upon immersion in 1.5 SBF for 6 and   ing behavior of a dental Y-TZP submitted to an
               15 days revealed apatite layers well bonded to   accelerated hydrothermal aging (HA). Specifi-
               the substrate and without detachment. The      cally: a) determine the kinetic curve of tetrag-
               adhesion of apatite to surfaces of specimens   onal to monoclinic phase transformation (t-
               that were not textured with femtosecond la-    m); b) calculate the speed of the front of phase
               ser was inadequate.                            transformation zone growth during the HA; c)
                                                              evaluate the relationship between percentage
               The production of tribological nanoscale mul-  of monoclinic phase and depth of phase trans-
               tilayer CrN/NbN coatings up to 6 μm thick by   formation with the biaxial flexural strength
               Sputtering/HIPIMS has been reported in liter-  (BF); d) evaluate the effect of the association of
               ature. However, high demanding applications,   HA and fatigue at the BF. Sintered discs of den-
               such as internal combustion engine parts, need   tal Y-TZP (YZ- Vita YZ, LP- Lava Plus) were sub-
               thicker coatings (>30 μm). The production of   mitted to HA at 120°C, 130°C and 150°C and
               such parts by sputtering would be econom-      analyzed by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD).
               ically restrictive due to low deposition rates.   One specimen of each group was submitted to
               In this work, nanoscale multilayer CrN/NbN     scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and opti-
               coatings were produced in a high-deposition    cal coherence tomography (OCT) to calculate
               rate, industrial-size, Cathodic Arc Physical Va-  the phase transformation depth and the speed
               por Deposition (ARC-PVD) chamber, contain-     of the front transformation zone. Groups (YZ,
               ing three cathodes in alternate positions (Cr/  LP and LA-Lava) were divided according to the
               Nb/Cr). Four 30 μm thick NbN/CrN multilay-     aging time (n=10): 0, 5, 25, 70 and 140 hours
               er coatings with different periodicities (20,   (150°C/3.01 bar). After the HA, the YZ group
               10, 7.5 and 4 nm) were produced. The coat-     was divided once again (n=10): with and with-
               ings were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction   out mechanical cycling, all ceramics were sub-
               (XRD) and Transmission Electron Microsco-      mitted to biaxial flexural strength test (ISO
               py (TEM). The multilayer coating system was    6872) and one way analysis of variance (ANO-
               composed of alternate cubic rock-salt CrN and   VA) (ο=0.05) to compare the results. XRD re-
               NbN layers, coherently strained due to lattice   sults indicated that YTZP presented a sigmoidal
               mismatch. The film grew with columnar mor-     behavior due to the limited depth of XRD pen-
               phology through the entire stratified struc-   etration (~6.3 μm). SEM and OCT analysis  con-
               ture. The periodicities adopted were main-     firmed a linear growth of the front as function
               tained throughout the entire coating. The 20   of the time to all temperatures One way ANO-
               nm periodicity coating showed separate NbN     VA showed a decrease in mechanical strength

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