Page 319 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 319

Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report  319

               Figure 43: GC screenshots, showing: (left) perspective view of a cubic grain sample in first person naviga-
               tion; (center) real-time interactive sectioning; (right) boundary enhancement rendering.

               tal structures by combining a lattice with a   desktop, mobile and tablet devices and video
               motif using solely translational symmetry. Al-  demos and its source code is available at the
               though very restrictive from the crystallograph-  project website at
               ic point of view, CW makes it simple for stu-
               dents to experiment, reproduce and visualize,   Leveraging CW’s technological premises, GC is
               in an interactive manner, most of the crys-    a web-based 3D interactive visualization soft-
               tal structures that are commonly introduced    ware sought to improve spatial understanding
               in materials science and engineering curric-   of grain structures. Based on solid cognitive
               ula, like fluorite structure shown in figure 41.   and learning research, GC introduces novel
               CW is open-source and accessible, integrating   domain-specific tools that support capturing
               state-of-the-art technologies for interactive   fundamental characteristics, such as grain size
               web applications, such as HTML5/WebGL, ser-    and shape, number of neighbors, local hetero-
               vice oriented architecture (SOA) and respon-   geneities, extreme values and distribution pat-
               sive, resilient and elastic distributed systems   terns. GC allows seamless exploration of virtual
               and support to advanced interaction and vir-   grain samples through first-person fly naviga-
               tual reality interfaces as Oculus Rift, Google   tion (Figure 43) on a grain-by-grain basis, eval-
               Cardboard, LEAP Motion, multi-touch devices    uating individual sizes and shapes, but also al-
               and 3D printing technologies (Figure 42). CW   lowing capturing structural information such
               can be accessed online at from    as neighborhoods and heterogeneities. Inter-
                                                              active real-time sectioning allows infinite sec-
                                                              tions to be visualized continuously in a brief
                                                              period and designed rendering techniques im-
                                                              prove depth perception either on 2D scenari-
                                                              os (Figure 44) or in full-fledged stereoscopic vi-
                                                              sualization, presenting superior visualization
                                                              value compared to earlier attempts. GC can be
                                                              accessed online at
                                                              er/ from desktop, mobile and tablet devices

               Figure 44: GrainCrawler screenshots demonstrating a real-time ren-  and video demos and its source code is avail-
               dering technique that enhances depth perception on 2D visual-  able at the project website at
               ization. (Left) section plane of a virtual 3D polycrystalline materi-
               al. (Right) grains intercepted by the section plane were removed.  en-graincrawler/.
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