Page 331 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 331
Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report 331
inverted sugar cane syrup (plasticizer) were prepared by solvent-assisted (casting) pro-
prepared by solvent-assisted (casting) pro- cess producing transparent and homogeneous
cess producing transparent and homogeneous films. Small amounts of clay (5-15 wt.%) re-
films. Small amounts of clay (5-15 wt.%) re- sulted mainly in exfoliated nanocomposites
sulted mainly in exfoliated nanocomposites while large amounts (30 wt.%) promote the in-
while large amounts (30 wt.%) promote the in- tercalated nanocomposites formation. FT-Ra-
tercalated nanocomposites formation. FT-Ra- man bands sensitive to hydrogen bonding in
man bands sensitive to hydrogen bonding in starch granules are progressively shifted to
starch granules are progressively shifted to lower wavenumbers as the clay content is
lower wavenumbers as the clay content is raised. Nanocomposites show a similar ther-
raised. Nanocomposites show a similar ther- mal behavior up to 320 ºC while the biomole-
mal behavior up to 320 ºC while the biomole- cule decomposition at about 500 ºC is depen-
cule decomposition at about 500 ºC is depen- dent on the clay content. CO2 release at about
dent on the clay content. CO2 release at about 300 ºC (non-oxidative decomposition of poly-
300 ºC (non-oxidative decomposition of poly- meric chains) decreases if compared to the gas
meric chains) decreases if compared to the gas delivery at ca. 500 ºC, as the clay content is in-
delivery at ca. 500 ºC, as the clay content is in- creased. Films with clay content higher than
creased. Films with clay content higher than 10 wt.% show no substantial benefit for either
10 wt.% show no substantial benefit for either elongation or resistance properties.
elongation or resistance properties, FIG. 54.
Figure 54. (a/b) . Film process (a) and stress X
strain curves (b) for nanocomposites films.
Processing starch biodegradable
Polymer-clay nanocomposites (PCN) based on
cassava starch, synthetic hectorite clay and
Figure 55. (a/b). DRX Differences in diffractograms of nanocompos-
inverted sugar cane syrup (plasticizer) were ites (A) and differences in elongation % for nanocomposites (B).