Page 335 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 335

Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report  335

               down) and structures of SnO2 (right -upper)    cent species. The present research  synthesize
               X-ray powder diffraction (right -middle) chro-  rare earth molybdates by the co-precipitation
               maticity diagram (right -down ).               method as well as characterize these materi-
                                                              als by X-ray diffraction, near infrared spectros-
                                                              copy, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning
                                                              electronic microscopy, transmission electron-
                                                              ic microscopy and luminescent studies. This
                                                              research focuses three different studies as fol-
                                                              lowed :the influence of the vortex speed vari-
                                                              ation during co-precipitation in the structure
                                                              of the final product, morphology and lumines-
                                                              cence properties; the influence of the anneal-
                                                              ing temperature also in the structure, mor-
                                                              phology and luminescence properties; and
                                                              the influence of concentration of the doping
                                                              in the luminescence properties. Another im-
                                                              portant step of this research is the functional-
                                                              ization of nanoparticles using an organosilane
                                                              (APTES) to coat and establish points for bind-
                                                              ing the particles to biological species. It was
                                                              proved that this process was very efficient by
               Figure 60. Excitation and Emission spectra of SnO2/
               TiO2:Eu3+ nanoparticles (left up and down) and struc-  the characterization results and the silica in-
               tures of SnO2 (right -upper) X-ray powder diffraction   corporation was well succeeded. Specific pros-
               (right -middle) chromaticity diagram (right -down ).
                                                              tatic cancer (PSA) was then linked to the func-
                                                              tionalized nanoparticles to diagnostic prostatic
               Synthesis and characterization of              cancer by fluoroimmunoassay and levels for
               TR2(MoO4)3@SiO2 nanoparticles                  detection were established. Figure 61.
               doped with Eu3+, Tb3+and
               Nd3+ for biological labeling

               The interest in using rare earths to investigate
               the properties and functions of biochemical
               systems as well as to determinate biological
               substances has increased in several fields, in-
               cluding biomarkers as a tool for immunology
               (fluoroimmunoassays). Nowadays, the use of
               lanthanides in the diagnosis of various diseas-  Figure 61. Ilustration of Eu:Y2(MoO4)3 under excitation of UV lamp,
                                                              SEM of the Eu:Y2(MoO4)3 and Eu:Y2(MoO4)3@Si Microwave and Eu-
               es has become more important through the       :Y2(MoO4)3@Si Stöber  and emission spectra of the Y2(MoO4)3.
               development of commercial diagnostic kits.
               As main feature, these rare earths can show
               a long lifetime, photostability and emission   Europium γetha- diketonate complexes
               bands of atomic like behavior and well defined,   with tetracycline (TC), fluoxetine (FL)
               in the visible region, demonstrating unique    and piroxican (PX) as ancillary ligands.
               advantages when compared to other lumines-     bIoloGIC and solar convention application
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