Page 338 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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338 Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report
dation phase for use as a simple way to de- than the particles used previously. It can also
tection (Figure 63). be noted that the polymer nanoparticles in-
corporating the complexes [TR(ο-diketone)3
Luminescent polymeric nanoparticles (Ligand)x] showed emission quantum effi-
(LUMPNP) for biological labeling. ciencies close to 100% . The PMMA polymer
nanoparticles doped with 0.5 to 5% by weight
A major difficulty in biomarker process is relat- of the europium complex were functionalized
ed to the solubility of the nanoparticles in the with a diamine to act as a spacer in bioconju-
biological media. This fact limits the process of gation (Figure 64).
bioconjugation and consequently the signal-
ing. Developing markers based on Chitosan, Bifunctional magnetic and
PMMA and cachew-gun resin (CG) markers luminescent nanoparticles for
that are easier to be functionalized with bio- diagnostic and theranostic.
compatible chemical group for reactions with
biological entities is the goal. In this context The design of bifunctional luminescent mag-
two methods of synthesis for implementation netic nanomaterials containing MFe2O4
of the project were chosen: the first method (where M=Fe and Mn) doped with rare earth
synthesizes the nanoparticle by cryogenics and functionalized with rare earth ions inclu-
technique and the second method is the mi- sion complexes of calixarene and phosphine
croemulsion technology. Figure 17 shows the oxide and also ο-diketonate ligands or chi-
SEMs images of these particles and it can be tosan natural polymer and quantum dots have
seen that the particles are more dispersible been investigated. These novel kind of lumi-
Figure 64. Luminescent polymeric nanoparticles (LUMPNP) for biological labeling– cryogenics Europium nanoparticles un-
der UV excitation (upper); Emission spectra of NPPLUM (down-left); SEM of precursor and NPPLUM (down-right).
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares