Page 336 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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336   Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report

                                                              display. In the field of biomarker, these com-
                                                              pounds linked with biological parts. At this
                                                              time, it was synthesized new complexes of eu-
                                                              ropium ο-diketonate with tetracycline,pirox-
                                                              ican and fluoxetine as ligand. IR spectra of the
                                                              Eu(III) complexes show two strong absorption
                                                              bands at ~1597 and ~1566 cm-1 attributed to
                                                              οs(C=O) and οas(C=O) vibrational stretching
                                                              modes, suggesting that the ο-diketonate li-
                                                              gand acts as chelate ligand. SEM image showed
                                                              particles rounded with grain size lower than
                                                              10 nm (Fig 3). The emission spectrum of euro-
                                                              pium complexes, in the solid state, recorded
                                                              in the range of 520 to 720 nm at liquid nitro-
                                                              gen temperature, under excitation at ο-diketo-
                                                              nate transitions (~350 nm) is shown in Fig. 62.
                                                              This emission spectrum exhibits some charac-
               Figure 62. Luminescent biomarkers for chem-
               icals detection in biologic fluids.            teristics such as narrow emission bands that
                                                              are assigned to the 4f6-4f6 transitions of Eu-
                                                              (III) ion, attributed to the emitting 5D0 level to
               Luminescent materials containing trivalent     the 7FJ (J = 0, 1, 2, or 4) levels, where the most
               rare earth (RE3+) complexes with ο-diketo-     intense corresponds to 5D0ο7F2 transition
               nate ligands have been intensively studied in   taking place around 613 nm. An important
               recent years. The RE3+ compounds present       feature to be observed is the nonexistence of
               some characteristics such as narrow emission   broaden bands arising from the ο-diketonate
               bands in the UV-Vis region, large Stokes shift   centered transitions, indicating that intramo-
               and the antenna effect that enhance the over-  lecular energy transfer from the ο-diketonate
               all quantum efficiency. As a result, these com-  ligands to the Eu(III) ion is operative.
               plexes have found wide applications as lumi-
               nescent markers, photoluminescent sensors,
               electroluminescent devices and multicolor

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