Page 341 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 341

Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report  341

               ganic and inorganic phases, but also novel properties for a new class of materials.

               Work has been developed with bases on the complexes diaquatris(thenoyltrifluoroacetonate)-eu-
               ropium(III), [Eu(tta)3(H2O)2], ditriphenylphosphine oxide(thenoyltrifluoroacetonate)-europi-
               um(III), [Eu(tta)3(TPPO)2], triaquatris(acetyl-acetonate)Terbium(III), [Tb(acac)3(H2O)3] and triph-
               enylphosphine oxide (acetyl-acetonate)Terbium(III), [Tb(acac)3(TPPO)2], [Tb(acac)3(n-picNO)2],
               [Eu(tta)3(n-picNO)2], (n=2,3,4) complexes were co-doped into polymers in order to obtain mul-
               ticolor light-emitting devices controlling concentration and excitation energy lines. These ma-
               terials are of great interest due to their strong luminescence and relatively simple and no ex-
               pensive preparation (Figure. 67).

               Persistent luminescence materials: Thermoluminescence and synchrotron
               radiation studies on the persistent luminescent materials

                                                                                             Figure 68. Structure
                                                                                                 o CdSiO3:Pr3+,
                                                                                               Emission spectra
                                                                                                and mechanism
                                                                                                  of persistent
                                                                                               luminescence of
                                                                                             CdSiO3:Pr3+ excited
                                                                                               by UV radiation.

               Since 1995, the research on persistent luminescence materials has increased substantially .This
               is due to the progress in the properties of these materials: they can emit nowadays in visible for
               many, up to 24+ hours, after ceasing the irradiation. Because of the long emitting time, these
               phosphors can be exploited commercially in emergency signs, road signalization, wall paint-
               ing, watches, micro defect sensing, optoelectronics for image storage and detectors of high en-
               ergy radiation. According to the literature, the BaAl2O4(:Eu2+,TR3+) materials are prepared via
               a solid state route, usually by heating BaCO3 with Al2O3 (or their precursors) at elevated tem-
               peratures. However, low temperature routes as combustion and sol-gel syntheses are not un-
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