Page 472 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 472
472 Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report
Dissertations CARVALHO, ROBERTO F. de. Cloning, charac-
terization and phylogenetic analysis of the
2014 alpha and beta subunits of the follicle stimu-
lating hormone of Pirarucu (Arapalma gigas)
ALVARENGA, TALLYSON S. Installation and ba- in view of its synthesis in CHO cells.
sic characterization of a laboratory for testing
of portable monitors with neutron radiation. CASTRO, VINICIUS A. de. Optimization of the
irradiation beam in the bnct research facili-
ANDRADE, LUANA dos S. Study on ionizing ra- ty at IEA-R1 reactor.
dition effects in diesel and crude oil: organic
compounds: hydrocarbon, sulfur and nitrogen. CAVALCANTI, FABIO. Development of a pulsed
laser with emission at 1053 nm for Cavity Ring-
ANDRADE, MAIRA F. de. Comparison of the low Down Spectroscopy.
level laser therapy effects (lambda=660 nm
ou lambda=780 nm)in the treatment of ion- COSTA, PRISCILA. Development of methodolo-
izing radiation induced oral mucosits in rats. gy for characterization of cartridge filters from
the IEA-R1 using the Monte Carlo method.
AREDES, VITOR O.G. Neutronic characteriza-
tion of cylindrical core of minor excess reac- COSTA, SANDRA M.C. Investigation of cast
tivity in the nuclear reactor IPEN/MB-01 from iron corrosion resistance with microstructure
the measure of spatial and energetic distribu- pearlitic and bainitic in a synthetic solution
tion of neutron flux distribution. of the condensate.
BELLEZZO, MURILLO. Development of a GPU FERNANDES, DANIELE G. Isolation of antimi-
Monte Carlo software for photon transport crobial peptides of frogs of the brazilian fauna.
in voxel structures.
BERTOLINI, THARCILA C.R. Comparative study tuints determination in medicinal plants and
on the adsorption of different classes of dyes their extracts.
in zeolites of coal ashes: kinetic and equilib-
rium modelling. GERIBOLA, GUILHERME A. Influence niobium
coating on sulfidation resistance of FeCr and
BOMFIM, PAMELA K. dos S. Development of FeCrY alloys.
the dental implants by powder metallurgy
techniques. GIAROLA, RODRIGO S. Theorethical-experi-
mental study of the radiometrical response
CAPELETI, FELIPE F. Dosimetry for computed on ionization chambers used in X ray beam
tomography and evaluation the dose profile dosimetry in diagnostic radiology.
using fricke gel dosimetry and magnetic res-
sonance imaging. GOMES, RAPHAEL F. Evaluation of semi-vola-
tite organic compounds in groundwater sam-
CARVALHO, DIEGO V. de S. Collimator effects ples by GC/MS using liquid-liquid microex-
on image quality in industrial tomography traction dispersive - DLLME.
third generation.
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares