Page 477 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 477

Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report  477

               OLIVEIRA, CAMILA T. de. Development of a       RODRIGUES, BRUNA T. Study and development
               methodology for calibration of parallel plate   of methodology for fixing iodine in radioac-
               ionization chambers for X-ray beams of low     tive sources used for polymeric substrate pro-
               energy in terms of absorbed dose to water.     duction in brachytherapy.

               PETRONI, ROBSON. Validation of the Neutron     SANTOS e SILVA, ED C. Australian snake ven-
               Activation Analysis methods of the Neutron     oms as a potencial alternative for anti-elapid-
               Activation Laboratory at IPEN-CNEN/SP aim-     ic serum production.
               ing the production of certified reference ma-
               terials.                                       SANTOS, DIOGO F. dos. Characterization of
                                                              the neutronic fields obtained by means of flux
               PISTARINI, LUCIANA C.Y. Evaluation in poten-   traps from heavy water (D2O) inside the core
               tial of live in regenerative Walleriana degen-  of the IPEN/MB-01 nuclear reactor.
               eration peripheral nerve - with laser use low
               power and compound multivitamin 3-NERVE.       SARTORI, MARIANA do N. Study and develop-
                                                              ment of nanocomposites PBT/bentonite clay
               PORTO, LUCIANA V.F.M. Worst-case study for     treated by ionizing radiation - preparation
               cleaning validation of equipments in the ra-   and characterization.
               diopharmaceutical production of lyophilized
               reagents. Metodology validation of total or-   SEVILHANO, THAIS C. dos A. Isolation, char-
               ganic carbon.                                  acterization and phylogentic analysis of the
                                                              alpha and beta subunits fo luteinizing hor-
               PRETTO, LUCAS R. de. Development of an op-     mone of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas).
               timized algorithm for the characterization of
               microflow using speckle patterns present in    SGOBBI, ALEXANDRE A. Mechanical and mi-
               optical coherence tomography signal.           crostructural characterization of tubular weld-
                                                              ed joints on API 5L grade B steel based on Bra-
               QUINHONEIRO, FERNANDO H.F. A method-           zilian National Standard Petrobras N-2301.
               ology approach for analysis of sustainability
               indicators as a tool for decision making us-   SILVA, ANA C.C. da. Nanotechnology in diag-
               ing fuzzy logic.                               nosis and therapy in Brazil.

               REIS JUNIOR, JOSE S.B. Methods and software    SILVA, CAMILA R. Low power laser effects in
               for scientific production analysis and detec-  cancer cells and fibroblasts submitted the ion-
               tion of emerging research trends.              izing radiation.

               REZENDE, RENATO P. Weld joints stainless steel   SILVA, CAROLINA F. da. Assessment of natural
               tube austenitic AISI 348 for fuel rods in nucle-  radionuclides concentration from 238U and
               ar reactors.                                   232Th series in Virginia and Burley varieties
                                                              of Nicotiana tabacum L.
               ROCHA, ROSIANA R. Assessment of atmospher-
               ic pollution of chemical elements by epiphytic   SILVA, NATAN V. da. Production and study of
               lichen analysis at the campus of the São Pau-  the antiangiogenic activity of the fusion pro-
               lo University.                                 teins endostatin-BH3 domain of the pro-apop-
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