Page 481 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 481
Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report 481
RODRIGUES, ANTONIO C.I. Study and design olinium (Gd2O3).
of the new baskets with boro for storage ele-
ments fuel burned of the IEA-R1 reactor. SILVA, ANDRESSA A. da. Synthesis and stabi-
lization of gold nanoparticles for biotechno-
SAID, DAPHNE de S. Study of methodologies for logical and cosmetics uses.
quality control of 99Mo used in 99Mo/99mTc
generators]. SILVA, DANILO M. da. Generation and control
of random lasers emission and speckle.
SALES, JORGE N. DE. Study of effects of nano-
clays light cream from cubati and cloisite Na SILVA, DOUGLAS B. da. Quality of water and
incorporation on properties of thermoplastic sediment in reservoirs.
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene submitted by
ionizing radiation. SILVA, JOSÉ P. Radionuclides incorporation
in activated natural nanotubes.
SANTANA, PATRICIA M. Human tryrotropin
expression in human embrionic kidney cells SILVA, MIRNA M.S. e. Advanced oxidative pro-
(HEK293). cess with ozone of effluents contaminated by
manganese and other heavy metals originat-
SANTOS, GEAN R. dos. Ant colony optimiza- ed in the acid drainage in uranium mine.
tion and artificial neural networks applied
on monitoring and fault detection in nucle- SILVA, NATALIA F. da. Establishment a prima-
ar power plants. ry standard system for low energy X-rays us-
ing a free air ionization chamber.
SANTOS, LEVI F. DOS. Inorganic chemical char-
acterization of sediment cores from Pantanal SILVESTRE, LARISSA J.B. PCRELAP5 - Data cal-
da Nhecolândia MS, dated by the 210Pb culation program for RELAP 5 code.
SOUSA, MARIA A.S. de. Factors assessed to
SARMENTO, DANIELE M. Evaluation of ambi- mortality in severe visceral Leishmany in Ara-
ent radiation levels in positron emission to- guaina-TO: epidemiological, clinical and lab-
mography/computed tomography in micro- oratory characteristics (2002 to 2015).
PET/CT laboratory.
SOUZA, AMANDA de. Cytotoxical evalution
SCHOUERI, ROBERTO M. Design and develop- of amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate to
ment of a neutron tomography facility at the Perna perna mussel.
SOUZA, EDVALDO R. de. Microstructural char-
SECCO, MARCELLO. Development of controller acterization and evaluation of mechanical
of acquisition and sample positioner for acti- properties of joints in steel AISI 301 L welded
vation for use in measurements of short half- by MIG and submitted to repair by TIG process.
life radioisotopes.
TEIXEIRA, BRUNA S. Features of processed
SERAFIM, ANTONIO da C. Fuel densification starches by ionizing radiation.
study about uranium- 7% nanostructured gad-