Page 482 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 482
482 Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report
TIEZZI, RODRIGO. Development of sealed ra-
dioactive sources immobilized in Epoxy res-
in for verification of detectors used in nucle-
ar medicine.
TOMINAGA, FLAVIO K. Radiation effects onto
toxicity of pharmaceuticals solution: hydro-
chloride fluoxetine, sodium diclofenac and
their mixture.
TOYODA, EDUARDO Y. The evolution of doses
in THE IEA-R1 reactor environment and ten-
dencies based on the current results.
VASQUES, LUCIANA G. Public hearing for en-
vironmental permit of nuclear facilities: a
critical view.
VAZ, ANTONIO C.A. The implementation and
evaluation of physical protection system of
the IEA-R1 reactor.
VIEIRA, LUDMILA C. Application of macro-
phytes as biosorbents for radioactive liquid
waste treatment.
YOVANOVICH, MARCOS. Electrochemical ox-
idation of formic acid in acid and alkaline
electrolyte using electrocatalysts PtBi/C and
PdBi/C prepared via sodium borohydride re-
duction method in a fast manner.
ZARPELON, LIA M. Study of electrochemical
and microstructural characteristics of lani-
based metallic hydride electrodes with alloy-
ing additions.
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares