Page 487 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 487

Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report  487

               lites coal ash in surfactant modified in appli-  diation treatment intended to immunocom-
               cation and removal of orange 8 acid solution:   promised patients or with special diets.
               study in batch, fixed bed column and evalua-
               tion ecotoxicological.                         OTOMO, JULIANA I. Anthropogenic contribu-
                                                              tion on water quality from Guarapiranga dam.
               MARTINS, JOAO F.T. The influence of defects    A study about endocrine disruptors.
               and surface quality on the mercuric iodide
               crystal used as a radiation detector.          PEREZ, FERNANDA dos S.A. Influence of the
                                                              cultivation temperature on the expression
               MASSICANO, FELIPE. Modeling of a planning      of recombinant proteins of therapeutic in-
               system in Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medi-       terest in the periplasmic space, using lamb-
               cine using the MCNP6 code.                     da PL promoter.

               MATSUSHIMA, LUCIANA C. Determination of        PORFIRIO, TATIANE C. Preparation, microstruc-
               isodose curves and planning confirmation in    ture and dielectric characterization of the Ca-
               Intensity modulated radiation therapy IMRT     Cusub(3)Tisub(4)Osub(12) perovskite.
               conventional using thermoluminescent tech-
               niques, optically stimulated luminescence and   POVEDA, PATRICIA N.S. Effect study of calci-
               semiconductor detectors.                       um carbonate, titanium dioxide and zinc ox-
                                                              ide nanoparticles on linear low density poly-
               MOURA, EDUARDO S. Development of a phan-       ethylene and aliphatic - aromatic copolyester
               tom for investigations with heterogeneties in   thermoplastics properties subjected to ultra-
               high-dose-rate brachytherapy.                  violet radiation.

               MOURA, JOAO A. Development and construc-       RIBEIRO, VILMARIA A. Study of the prepara-
               tion of an automated system for quality con-   tion of Pt-Sn//C electrocatalysts through depo-
               trol in the iodine-125 seeds production.       sition of Pt on the surface of Sn/C for ethanol
               MUNIZ, RAFAEL O.R. Neutronic analysis and
               technical specification for a UMo-Al dispersion   ROCHA, ERNESTO D. Analysis of toxicological
               fuel with burnable poison addition.            and environmental risks of occupational expo-
                                                              sure to residues of firearms (GSR/ firing rang-
               MURA, LUIS F.L. Experimental determination     es): A proposal for mormalization.
               of nuclear reaction rates in 238U and 235U
               along of the radius of fuel pellets of the IPEN/  RODRIGUES, FLAVIO T. Degradation of profeno-
               MB-01 reactor.                                 fos in aqueous solution and peas by electron
                                                              beam processed and synthesis of imprinted
               NASCIMENTO, CLAUDIO S. do. Model with psy-     polymers for selective extraction of this pes-
               chometric quality for safety culture assess-   ticide.
               ment in nuclear facilities.
                                                              ROGOVSCHI, VLADIMIR D. Evaluation of the
               NUNES, THAISE C.F. Microbiological, physico-   ionizing radiation effects in microbiology,
               chemical and sensory evaluation of cabbage     physical and chemical and sensory aspects
               and carrot minimally processed salad after ra-  of ice cream.
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