Page 490 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 490
490 Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report
carbon substrate for application in alkaline
fuel cells.
SULEIMAN, NADER N. Overview of female
breast cancer care and epidemiological in
North Tocantins-Brazil.
SUZUKI, SELLY S. Histomorphometric, immu-
nohistochemistry and microtomography eval-
uation of the effect of low level laser therapy
in root reabsorption process during orthodon-
tic movement induced in rats.
THOMAZI, GABRIELA O.C. Humoral response
of animal models immunized against native
or 60Co irradiated mucus from the freshwa-
ter stingray Paratrygon aiereba.
UMBEHAUN, PEDRO E. Development of an in-
strumented fuel assembly for the IEA-R1 re-
search reactor.
VIEIRA, IMARIO. Strategic planning as com-
petitive differential in the implementation
of radioisotopes technology.
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares