Page 488 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 488

488   Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report

               SAKURABA, ROBERTO K. Verification system       2016
               development a dosimetric tridimensional us-
               ing Solution Fricke gel in the application for   ALVES, NELSON M. Radionecrosis attenuation
               verification of radiation therapy in arc mod-  in wistar rats with cutaneous application of
               ulated volumetric (VMAT) in treatment with     quercetin.
               target moving for breathing.
                                                              AMORIM, ALDO S. de. Critical analysis of fea-
               SALES,  CAMILA  P.  de.  Three  dimensional    sibility economic and environmental of the
               planning implementation in high dose rate      waste recycling of civil construction in mu-
               brachytherapy for gynecological treatment.     nicipality.

               SHIHOMATSU, HELENA M. Development and          BARDELLA, FERNANDO. Crystalwalk: an edu-
               validation of methodology SPE-LC-MS/MS for     cational interactive software for synthesis and
               pharmaceuticals and illicit drug determina-    visualization of crystal structures.
               tion in the waters of Guarapiranga dam - Sao
               Paulo/SP, Brazil.                              BARROS FILHO, E.C. Development of phosphate
                                                              glass microspheres containing holmium for
               SUZUKI, LUIS C. In vitro study of antimicro-   selective internal radiotherapy.
               bial photodynamic therapy in Candida albi-
               cans mediated by methylene blue and glucose.   BUENO, REGIS C. Edge detection in Images of
                                                              two-phase flow patterns with high void frac-
               VALGODE, FLAVIA G.S. Cytogenetic and dosim-    tion in natural circulation experiments with
               etriceffects of sup(131)I in lymphocyte of pa-  Intelligent Processing.
               tients with differentiated thyroid cancer with
               and withoutr-hTSHstimulation. Study inthy-     COSTA, RENATA F. da. Laser remote sensing of
               roid tumor cells (WRO) treated with sup(131)   aerosol in an oil refinery.
               I and sup(60)Co in vitro.
                                                              DOMIENIKAN, CLAUDIO. Development of a
               VIEIRA, HEVELINE. Production and character-    perturbed gama-gama angular correlation
               ization of red mud based glasses for the im-   spectrometer with six BaF2 detectors and study
               mobilization of nuclear wastes.                of hiperfine interaction in the intermetallic
                                                              compound LaMnSi2.
               VIOLIN, KALAN B. Ceramic and metallic im-
               plants - osseointegration characterization by   FALCAO, RAILSON B. Reaction synthesis of
               immunohistochemistry, lectinhistochemistry     nanostructured TiFe for hydrogen storage
               and fluorescent markers.                       from high-energy ball milling of TiH2 and Fe
                                                              powders mixtures.
               ZEN, HELOISA A. Development of multifunc-
               tional fluoroelastomers based on nanocom-      FORSTER, PEDRO L. Development of hybrid sys-
               posites.                                       tems of polymer: Europium (III) with thermal
                                                              stability and photostability.

                                                              FUCASE, TAMARA M. Purification and charac-

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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