Page 485 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 485

Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report  485

               centres-companies interaction: a study on bio-  brane fuel cell.
               materials sector in Parana state.
                                                              TAKINAMI, PATRICIA Y.I. Obtention of gelatin
               RODRIGUES, PATRICIA F. Evaluation of hygro-    biopolymers by ionizing radiation.
               scopic growth of urban aerosols using Raman
               LIDAR technique.                               VIALA, VINCENT L. Combined transcriptomic
                                                              ana proteomic analysis of Pseudonaja texti-
               ROSSI, LUBIANKA F.R. Coupling between the      lis venom (Elapidae: Serpentes).
               differential and perturbation theory meth-
               ods for calculating sensitivity coefficients in   VIANA, RODRIGO S.S. Spectrometry and emis-
               nuclear transmutation problems.                sion tomographic image reconstruction stimu-
                                                              lated by neutrons via EM algorithm and Mon-
               SALUM, DEBORA C. Markers based on rare         te Carlo Method.
               earths for detection of estrogen indicators in
               biological fluids.                             VIVALDINI, TULIO C. Measurements of elec-
                                                              tron drift velocity in quenching gases using
               SANTOS, ELEN G. dos. Development of a rap-     the pulsed townsend techniques.
               id and inexpensive method for diagnosis of
               sickle cell disease.                           YAMAGUISHI, SERGIO H. Managing innova-
                                                              tion in the brazilian pharmaceutical indus-
               SANTOS, SILAS C. dos. Development of rare      try: a multiple case study.
               earth silicate burners for gas lighting.

               SERRA, REYNALDO C. Reactors licensing: pro-
               posal of an integrated quality and environ-    2015
               ment regulatory structure for nuclear research
               reactors in Brazil.                            ACAR, MARIA E.D. Sociotechnical modelling
                                                              of a nuclear organization case study applied
               SILVA,  ANA  C.M.  Kinetic  and  dosimetry[-   to the Ionizing Radiation Metrology Nation-
               sup(177)LU-DOTA sup(0), TYR sup(3)]octreo-     al laboratory.
               tate in patients with carcinoid tumors.
                                                              ALMEIDA, ERIKA V. de. Study of degradation of
               SILVA, JOSE R.L. da. Cyanobacteria and cya-    lyophilized reagents for radiodiagnosis by high
               notoxin in the Lajeado reservoir, Palmas (To-  performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
               cantins State): bloom controlling factors and   and mass spectrometry (MS).
               assessment of removal by double filtration.
                                                              AQUINO, REGINALDO R. de. Assessment of nat-
               SILVA, MAVIAEL J. da. Development of glass     ural radioactivity in commercial marble and
               ceramic sealants for use in SOFC belonging     granite of Espírito Santo state.
               to BAS (BaO-Alsub(2)0sub(3)-SiOsub(2)) sys-
               tem modified with Bsub(2)Osub(3).              BAPTISTA, ALESSANDRA. Influence of the cell
                                                              growth phase on photodynamic action: mor-
               SKODA, SANDRO. Hydrodynamics flow chan-        phological, mechanical and biochemical eval-
               nels in the cathode of a proton exchange mem-  uation in cells of Candida albicans.
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