Page 480 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 480
480 Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report
LIMA, JOSE R. de. Design and development of NISHIMURA, PAULA J. Isolation and charac-
an automatic device control and titanium pipe terization of crotoxin like Crotalus vegrandis
supply and wires silver for Iodine-125 seeds with antitumor activity.
of production.
OCAMPO, IVETTE Z. Comparison and valida-
LIMA, JOSENILSON B. DE. Development of a tion of classical and modified techniques for
methodology for characterization of radio- studies of genotoxic potential of peptides used
active waste drums. in radiopharmaceuticals production.
MACEDO, VAGNER dos S. Development of a OLIVEIRA, TIAGO B. de. Study of dosimetric pa-
computational database for application in rameters for iodine-125 brachytherapy sources
Probabilistic Safety Analysis of nuclear re- development from IPEN-CNEN/SP using Mon-
search reactors. te Carlo Method.
MAEHATA, PATRICIA. Metallic elements pres- ORTIZ, ANGEL V. Development of silica
ence in lip cosmetics: investigation of health nanoparticles obtaintion process from re-
impacts and their disposal in the environment. newable source waste and its incorporation
in thermoplastic polymer for manufacturing
MATEUS, CRISLENE. Radon as an indicator of a nanocomposite.
environmental contamination by hidrocar-
bons in free-phase. PAIVA, FABIO de. LiF TLD response study for
mixed fields characterization.
MELLO, JOSE ROBERTO de. Eletrical system reg-
ulations of the IEA-R1 reactor. PEREIRA, VIVIANE S. Preparation of carbon
supports doped with Nitrogen (N), Sulfur (S)
MIRANDA, JURANDIR T. de. Skin graft influ- and Phosphorus (P) for methanol electro-ox-
ence in human tissue radiated in Nude mice idation.
QUINA, ANTONIO de J.A. de. Study of the Prop-
MISSO, AGATHA M. Synthesis and character- erties Thermoluminescence (TL), Electron
ization of phosphors based on calcium and Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Optical
magnesium silicates doped with europium Absorption for characterization of mineral
and dysprosium. Montecillite.
NASCIMENTO, CARLOS E. Superabsorbent syn- RAMIREZ, CRISTIAANN H. System for evalu-
thesis of polymeric biodegradable through ation of tomography for coherent optical ef-
reactive extrusion of Poly (vinyl alcohol) and fect of aging for thermal cycling adaptation
starch, in the presence of aldehyde and glyox- in marginal restoration of adhesive in class II
ilic acid, for agricultural use. cavities in enamel and dentin.
NASCIMENTO, RIDNAL J. do. The process of can- ROCHA, ANDRE M. Comparative nephrotox-
didates choose graduate programs: an analy- icity of native or Co-60gamma rays irradiat-
sis from the advisor perspective. ed crotoxin in mice.
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares