Page 478 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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478 Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report
totic proteins PUMA and BIM. spectroscopy.
SILVA, PAULO S.M. da. Design, construction ALVES, LUCAS C. Characteristics of chromium
and testing of a system of electrical measure- from electroplating sludge: technical and eco-
ments and composites stydy of zirconia-yttria nomic evaluation of removal processes.
and titanium nitride.
AMBROGI, JESSICA B. Evaluation of essential
SORDO FILHO, GIOVANNI del. Metal ion ad- and toxic elements in foods from São Paulo
sorption study in kaolinite for applications population diet, according to 2008-2009 POF.
in water reuse.
ANA, VANESSA DA. The flexibility of compe-
SOUZA, JULIANA P. de. Evaluation of alumi- tence and regulatory process regarding safe-
nossilicate glass sintering during differential ty and radiation protection.
scanning calorimetry.
ANGELOCCI, LUCAS V. Clinical cases study on
TAVARES, DENISE T. Quantitative analysis of radiotherapy using treatment planning sys-
alkanolamines and CO2 in chemical absorp- tem AMIGOBrachy.
tion process by infrared spectroscopy.
ARATA, ANELYSE. Y-TZP dental ceramic low
TESSARO, ANA P.G. Development of radiomet- temperature degradation: microstructural
ric methods for radioactive waste character- analysis and mechanical properties evalua-
ization. tion.
ARAUJO, MARIANA S. de. Use of rice rusk ash
and spent catalyst as a source of raw material
2016 for the production and characterization of so-
da-lime silicate glasses destined for packaging.
ABREU, CAIO P. de. Characterization of the re-
activity of aluminium alloys AA2024-T3 and BERECZKI, ALLAN. Development of a polarized
AA7475-T651 welded by Friction Stir Weld- DPSSL laser with over 100 W of power with
ing (FSW). beam parameter near one.
ADAME, GISELE. Development and validation BOIANI, NATHALIA F. Removal of toxicity the
method for extraction and quantification of pharmaceutical propranolol and your mix-
phenolics compounds in sediment. Case study: ture with fluoxetine hydrochloride in aqueous
Reservoir Guarapiranga, SP. solution using radiation with electron beam.
ALCARDE, LAIS F. Study radiolabeling of urea- Cardozo, Nelson X. Development of a irradia-
based PSMA inibitor with 68-gallium compar- tion system for production of gaseous radio-
ative evaluation of authomated and not au- isotopes applied in industrial processes.
thomated methods.
CASTRO, LEONARDO F. Self-organizing maps
ALVES, LUANA F.N. Determination of metals in applied to two-phase flow on natural circula-
lubricating oils by laser induced breakdown tion loop study.
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares