Page 479 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 479

Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report  479

               CASTRO, MAYSA C. de. Development and char-     physicochemical characterization of chitin
               acterization of special ionization chambers    and chitosan extracted of the fishing indus-
               for computed tomography beams.                 try waste of Cananeia-SP region.

               COSTA, ALICE M.R. Study of natural radionu-    FONSECA, LEANDRO M. da. Assessment of nat-
               clides - 226Ra, 228Ra and 210Pb - in marine    ural radioactivity in wall paints of commer-
               sediment cores from Southwest Atlantic during   cial use in Brazil.
               the Holocene.
                                                              FONTES, LADYJANE P. Development of a guid-
               DANIELE, ANNA P. Determination of essen-       ance guide for dosimetry in computed tomog-
               tial trace elements in wine by Neutron Acti-   raphy.
               vation Analysis.
                                                              FUJIMOTO, TALITA G. Microstructure and elec-
               DIAS, RAPHAEL M. Modeling of PWR fuel at       tric and dieletric properties of strontium tita-
               extended burnup FRAPCON.                       nate pure and containing additives.

               DUTRA, RITA M. Study on ethanol electrochem-   GABRIEL, LEANDRO. Preparation, irradiation
               ical Oxidation in Acid using the electrocata-  and characterization of recycled HDPE/EPDM
               lysts PtSnAuRh/C and PtRuAuRh/C.               blends.

               DUTRA, VERUSKA C. Monitoring of key indi-      HIPOLITO, FABIO C. Evaluation of Methodolo-
               cators of sustainable tourism in protected Ar-  gies for analysis of steam piping systems sub-
               eas: the Parque Estadual do Jalapão/Tocan-     jected to Steam Hammer loadings.
               tins - a case study.
                                                              KOMATSU, LUIZ G.H. Comparative study of
               FERNANDEZ, ANTONIO P.R. Study of electrical    modified polypropylene nanocomposites un-
               and microstructural characteristics of super-  der environment and accelerated ageing con-
               capacitors for energy storage.                 ditions.

               FERRARI, MARCELLO. Welding of ASTM A514        KUZNETSOVA, MARIA. Primary standardiza-
               quenched and tempered low alloy steel thick    tion of C-14 by means of CIEMAT/NIST, TDCR
               plates with ASTM A36 carbon steel by FCAW      and 4 methods.
                                                              LEAO, CLAUDIO. Development and valida-
               FERRAZ, CAUÊ de M. Purification and prepa-    tion of method for determination of sodium
               ration of bismuth(III) iodide for application as   monochloroacetate and sodium dichloroace-
               radiation semiconductor detector.              tate in cocoamide,N-[(3-dimethylamine)pro-
                                                              pyl],betaine by gas chromatography: GC/FID,
               FERREIRA, MAIARA S. Detention of chitosan      GC/ECD e GC/MS.
               of crab shell of Charybdis hellerii in movies
               polymeric obtained from use with radiation     LIMA FILHA, ELIANA R. Optimization of in
               ionizing.                                      vivo transfer parameters of the growth hor-
                                                              mone gene aiming at the phenotypic correc-
               FONSECA, ANA C.M. Obtaining processes and      tion of dwarf mice.
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