Page 475 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 475
Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report 475
VIVAS, ARY de S. Preliminary decommission- alumina-lanthana supported nickel catalysts
ing plan of the reactor IPEN/MB-01. for hydrogen production by ethanol steam re-
CORREA, GUSTAVO P. Application of the Mon-
2015 te Carlo Method to the study of the activity ob-
tained in a 4π(β,EC)-γ coincidence system by
ALVES, ALICE dos S. Study of the occupation- the Discrimination with Reposition Method.
al risk agents and their possible harm for hu-
man health. COSTA e SILVA, DANILO L. Carbon thin films
deposited by the magnetron sputtering tech-
ANTEBI, URI. Effects of ionizing radiation on nique using cobalt, copper and nickel as buf-
proteins in demineralized, lyophilized or fro- fer-layers.
zen human bone.
CUNHA, KELLY de P. Application of self-orga-
BARATELA, FERNANDO J.C. Study of biocompat- nizing maps for the classification of chromo-
ible properties of polymeric scaffolds derivat- somal aberrations using images of human
ed from vegetable oil for tissue engineering. chromosomes subjected to ionizing radiation.
BATISTA, JORGE G. dos S. Development of bio- DAMATTO, WILLIAN B. Development of a meth-
degradable polymeric matrices based on chi- odology of portable radiation meters at high
tosan and possible blend as controlled release rates of air.
systems for drugs.
ELIAS, CAROLINE C. Obtaining, structural char-
BENEGA, MARCOS A.G. Study and develop- acterization and enzymatic activity of the C
ment of phosphorus-32 source immobilized catalytic site of angiotensin convertin enzyme
in polymer matrix for paraspinal and intra- I ALA959 to SER1066 region.
cranial cancer treatment.
FAUSTINO, MAINARA G. Development and val-
CARMO, LUCAS S. do. High-dose thermolumi- idation of methodology for determination of
nescent dosimetry of gamma rays, beta rays, metals in water samples by optical emission
proton beams and epithermal neutrons us- with argon plasma spectrometry (ICP-OES).
ing natural silicate minerals and LiF: Mg, Cu,
P (MCP) detectors. FERREIRA, VIVIANE G. Crystallographic Mill-
er indices: a proposal in distance education.
CARRIEL, RODRIGO C. Characterization of TiO-
sub(2)thin films obtained by metal-organic FONSECA, HEVERTON C.O. Study of removal
chemical vapour deposition. of Sr2+ from aqueous solution using raw co-
conut fibers and treated with hydrogen per-
CAZULA, CAMILA D. Dosimetry of sup(222)Rn oxide in basic condition.
in the air in environments located above and
below ground level. FRANQUETTO, PAULO R. Residual stress assess-
ment in submarine pressure hull instability.
CORDEIRO, GUILHERME L. Synthesis study of