Page 474 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 474
474 Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report
OLIVEIRA, RICARDO de S. Study of labelling of SALUTTE, CAIO de O. Investigation of semi-
bombesin derivatives with 111-indium and conductor oxide CeO2 doped with Fe and La
68-galium and evaluation of biological prop- by means of perturbed angular gamma-gam-
erties for application in SPECT and PET. ma correlation technique.
PAULINO, ANDRE L. dos R. Study of flow chan- SANTOS, IGOR P. dos. Processing and charac-
nel geometries in PEM fuel cells using compu- terization of sintered steel for use in valve
tational fluid dynamics. seat inserts.
PEREIRA JUNIOR, SERGIO M. Cu, Cr and As SANTOS, OLAIR dos. Chemical treatment stud-
determination in preserved woods, Eucalip- ies on nuclear fuel plates surface.
tus ssp, by x-ray fluorescence spectrometries.
SANTOS, THAIS da S. Micro-nanocomposites
PESQUEIRA, ELIANA I. de O. Evaluation of inser- Al2O3/ NbC/ WC and Al2O3/ NbC/ TaC.
tion and removal forces and fracture strength
of mini-implants used in orthodontic treat- SILVA, ALEXANDRE F.P. da. Power calibration
ments in different regions of maxilla and jaw. of the IPEN/MB-01 reactor for the cylindrical
configuration of minor reactivity excess ob-
PINTO, REGIANE de S. High power Nd:YAG la- tained from the measurements of the abso-
ser with high stability and beam quality. lute average neutron flux.
PORTO JUNIOR, ALMIR C.S. Development of a SILVA, DANIEL N. da. Analysis of ball mills trun-
system for monitoring and diagnosis using nion flaws criticality used in mining plants.
fuzzy logic in control valves of Laboratory Test
Equipment of Experimental Center ARAMAR. SILVA, FLAVIO S. Cloning, expression, purifica-
tion and structural evaluation of the region
PURGATO, RAFAEL T. Determination of buck- AP-1 oncoprotein Jun.
ling and probability of leakage of neutron in
the IPEN/MB-01 reactor in cylindrical con- SILVA, VANESSA H.O. Toxicity and degrada-
figuration. tion assessment of the drug fluoxetine hy-
droechloride, in aqueous solution and mixed
REIS, REGIS. Analysis of the behavior under ir- with domestic sewage, using electron beam
radiation of high burnup nuclear fuels with the irradiation.
computer programs FRAPCON and FRAPTRAN.
SOUZA NETO, DIOGENES C. de. Microstructur-
RIBEIRO JUNIOR, IBERE S. Determination of al and mechanical characterization of a Co-Cr
uranium fission products interference factors alloy: an evaluation of its mechanical perfor-
in neutron activation analysis. mance in a product of engineering.
RODRIGUES, ANDRE M. Three-dimensional STECHER, LUIZA C. Calculation of economic vi-
modelling and visualization of digital sin- ability of alternative energy sources consider-
gle-phase polycrystalline materials micro- ing its environmental costs for small commu-
structures. nities of northeast Brazil.
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares