Page 484 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 484
484 Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report
FERREIRA JUNIOR, JOSE M. Surface modifica- MARQUES, ROGERIO A. Study on the corrosion
tion of electrogalvanized steel for protection resistance of AISI 444 stainless steel for appli-
against corrosion for coatings free chrome. cation as biomaterial.
FERREIRA, NELSON L.D. The use of represen- MOSCA, RODRIGO C. Radionecrosis skin mod-
tative person and critical group concepts for el induced an athymic mouse nude (Nu/Nu)
environmental control of nuclear facilities in for development of dermal-epidermal human
Brazil. substitute based regenerative therapy.
FERREIRA, RAFAEL V. de P. Application of bio- NONATO, FERNANDA B.C. Design, construction
sorbents in treatment of the radioactive liq- and characterization of reference systems for
uid waste. electron beams of clinical accelerators.
FRAJNDLICH, ROBERTO. Considerations about OLIVEIRA, ERICA A. de. Development of angio-
decommissioning of the IEA-R1 research re- genic radiotracers for glioma diagnostic: ani-
actor and the future of its instalations after mal model study.
OLIVEIRA, KARINA C. de. Biochemical and
GOMES, DANIEL de S. Computer simulation pharmacological characterization of irradi-
programs with performance fuel systems per- ated crotamine by gamma rays Co60.
manent and transient fuel rods stainless steel
austenitic. OLIVEIRA, MARCIA L. de. Evaluation of pro-
duction and the effects of gamma radiation
HAZENFRATZ-MARKS, ROBERTO. Neutrons, on enriched macaroni with flaxseed bagasse
radiation and archaeology: a multianalyti- (Linum usitatissimum L.).
cal case study of incised Rim tradition ceram-
ics in Central Amazon. OLIVEIRA, PATRICIA da S.P. de. Reability study
of the proton exchange membrane fuel cells
LEE, SEUNG M. Obtainment of subcritical reac- produced at IPEN-CNEN/SP.
tivity by mean of measurement of APSD and
CPSD employing pulse mode detectors in the PASCOALINO, KELLY C. da S. Gamma and elec-
IPEN/MB-01 reactor. tron high dose dosimetry with rad-hard Si di-
LIMA, IARA B. de. Measurements of the first
townsend ionization coefficient in guench- PEREIRA, LUIZ A.T. Development of processes
ing gases. for zircaloy chips recycling by electric arc fur-
nace remelting and powder metallurgy.
LINHARES, HORACIO M. da S.M.D. Synthesis of
KYsub(3)Fsub(10) by the coprecipitation meth- REIS, SHIRLEY L. dos. Effects of the synthesis
od for optical aplications. and sintering methods on the densification,
structure, microstructure and electrical con-
LOPES, PAULA R.C. Study of biogenic volatile ductivity doped lanthanum gallate.
organic compounds in the Amazon, French
Guiana and Mata Atlântica Tropical Forests. ROCHA, RODRIGO L. da. Universities-research
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares