Page 489 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report 489
terization of proteases inhibitors of Bitis ga- NISTI, MARCELO B. Lixiviation of natural ra-
bonica rhinoceros venom with pharmacolog- dionuclides and heavy metals in tropical soils
ical potencial. amended with phosphogypsum.
GROSSO, ROBSON L. Investigation of phase OLIVEIRA, RENE R. de. Study of the effect of re-
stability in the scandia-zirconia. sidual stress on the microstrain of the crystal-
line lattice and on the crystalite size of steel
HIGUTI, ELIZA. Phenotypic correction of dwarf- Cr-Si-V BY shot peening.
ism mediated by different growth parameters
after plasmid DNA administration in an an- PEREIRA, ELAINE. Analitycal method develop-
imal model of isolated growth hormone de- ment and validation for quantification of ura-
ficiency. nium in compounds of the nuclear fuel cycle by
fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.
JOAO, THIAGO G. Proposal of new core configu-
rations for the IPEN/CNEN-SP IEA-R1 research PEREIRA, MARISA F.F. Metrology network: a
reactor with high density uranium fuels. case study on the metrology network of de-
fense and security from SIBRATEC.
MARTINS, ELAINE W. Development and appli-
cation of a pediatric head phantom for dosim- PIERETTI, EURICO F. Applied biomechanics to
etry in computed tomography. evaluate the properties of laser beam treated
orthopedic implants.
MASSICANO, ADRIANA V.F. Pharmacotechni-
cal development of a radioimmunoconjugate PUSCEDDU, FABIO H. Environmental risk as-
for non-Hodgkin Lymphoma therapy. sessment of sediments contaminated with
triclosan, ibuprofeno and 17-ethynylestradi-
MELLO, ROBERTA M. de. Thermal shock resis- ol employing benthic marine invertebrates.
tance of liquid phase sintered silicon carbide.
SANTOS, ROBINSON A. dos. Methodology op-
MIRIM, DENILSON de C. Micro machining pro- timization of the thallium bromide crystal
cess development with ultrashort laser pulses. preparation for application as a radiation
MONTEIRO, CARLOS A. Systemic study of
knowledge generation at IPEN. SENNA, MARY L.G.S. de. Applicability of qual-
ity of life index, tourism ecological footprint
MORENO, CAROLINA dos S. Evaluation of ion- and sustainability indicators of the united
izing radiation and resveratrol effects in lung nations for small tourist destinations: a case
cancer cell culture. study in Jalapão/TO.
NANDENHA, JULIO. Electro-oxidation study of SICCHIERI, LETICIA B. Study and characteri-
formic acid using Pd/C-Sb2O5•SnO2, PdAu/C- zation of optical markers for atherosclerosis.
Sb2O5•SnO2, PdIr/C-Sb2O5•SnO2 and PdAuIr/
C-Sb2O5•SnO2 electrocatalysts prepared by SOUZA, LETICIA L. de. Direct oxidation of eth-
sodium. ylene glycol by binary electrochemical cat-
alysts based on Pt, Pd and Sn supported on