Page 486 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 486
486 Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report
BARBIERI, CRISTINA B. A multiparameter ap- tile wastewater onto surfactant modified ze-
proach to characterize environmental pollu- olite from coal ash and evaluation of the tox-
tion crime incorporating the uncertainty of ic effects.
FONSECA, GABRIEL P. Monte Carlo modeling of
BRAVIM, AMANDA. Application of the ther- the patient and treatment delivery complexi-
moluminescent (TL) and optically stimulated ties for high dose rate brachytherapy.
luminescence (OSL) dosimetry techniques to
determinate the isodose curves in a cancer FUKUMORI, NEUZA T.O. Study of influence of
treatment planning simulation using volu- sup(99)Mo/sup(99m)Tc generator radioac-
metric modulated arc therapy - VMAT. tivity on the sterility of the finished product.
CAMPOS, REJANE D. de. Influency of mercer- GIMENES, CELSO H. Modeling of evaluation
ization and electron beam irradiation on the tools in scientific research professionals ac-
adhesion between fibre from Brazil nut pod tivity.
and a high density polyethilene matrix.
GONCALVES, MAYRA D. Characterization on
CARVALHO, GUILHERME L. de C. Study of an- yttrium-doped barium zirconate sinthesized
alog of substance P for development of radio- by the oxidant peroxide method.
pharmaceutical with application in therapy
of cerebral tumors. GOUVEIA, JORGE L.N. Illegal dumping of chem-
ical wastes in the metropolitan region of São
CASINI, JULIO C.S. Influence of replacement Paulo, its social and environmental impacts -
of cobalt by tin and copper on microstruc- a proposal for public policy for coping emer-
ture and electrical properties of LaMgAlMn- gency situations.
CoNi based alloys.
HEILMAN, SONIA. Effect of ionizing radiation
CORREA, BRIANNA B. dos S. Investigation of in polyurethane catheters coatings with silver
hyperfine interactions in ternary Compounds nanoparticles.
RMnsub(2)Sisub(2) and RMnsub(2)Gesub(2) (R
= La, Nd, Pr) by perturbed angular correlation ISIDORO, ROBERTA A. Development of PdM (M
‘gamma’ - ‘gamma’ spectroscopy. = Ni, Cu, Ag) electrocatalysts for oxygen reduc-
tion reaction in alkaline medium in the ab-
COSTA, OSVALDO L. da. Study and development sence and presence of alcohol.
of a new methodology for production of io-
dine-125 from xenon-124 through the meth- KOIKE, AMANDA C.R. Bioactive compounds in
od of neutron activation. edible flowers processed by radiation.
DIAS, LUIS A.P. Development of a Tc-99m label- LEVY, DENISE S. Web-based system to unify
ing radiopharmaceutical for infection iden- the radiological protection programs: ioniz-
tification using a synthetic cationic peptide. ing radiation monitoring and optimization.
FERREIRA, PATRICIA C. Dyes removal of tex- MAGADALENA, CARINA P. Synthesis of zeo-
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares