Page 4 - Our King
P. 4

Our King

               I have finally been given the task of completing our history. I was first given this task during the final war,
               however since i was in charge while the king had recently went through the emerald door, there was no time
               for such things. Now all these have come to pass and peace once again is upon us, now I know you find my
               words off, for as all you know, we have been peace since the last kings were defeated. All things will be clear.
               we are now in peace that and as far as can be seen there will never be war again .So in comfort and peace
               body and mind, I write the history of all things that have come to pass to bring about this great age and to
               write how it was our kings relentless vision that has made these things possible. In essence it is the story of
               our king. Let us begin, our king was born in slavery on the western continent .there are 2 continents the east
               and west, each one is broken up into provinces 35 in the east .42 in the west. Each continent has a great king
               that rules the whole continent, and he has leaders and armies that rule each province in his name.

               When our king was 4 years of age when they put him to work with the rest of the slaves in the fields. He
               learned fast and worked hard. He loved the sting and burn he got from working hard. As he got older he
               started to notice that armies would train just close enough for him to watch. So he would watch them and
               learn all he could .At age 10 is when he started to sneak out of the compound to go train in the jungle .He did
               this for years working in the field sneaking out at night train, sleep a little then do it again .after years of this
               his body could heal in 2 hours as if he slept the whole night.

               One day they brought in a new village they had just captured .Amongst them was a young man around the
               age of our king .The two of them quickly became close friends, more than brothers. This young man is in fact
               myself, the one writing these words. Now they had grown in trust, so the king decided to tell and show him
               his training spot and training strategies, that he had been perfecting over the years. He also told him of an
               elite army that train somewhere in secret, that he had not found yet, but assured him that one day he would.
               As the years went by the boys became young men and had sharped each other into perfect weapons. No one
               knew, they worked hard were quite, caused no trouble. Then one night while out in the jungle they came
               across the elite armies training site. So night after night they would come and watch, then practice what they
               had saw. Then they start changing and creating their own techniques, creating a style of their own. Now
               never  once  did  they  do  anything  other  than  sneak  out,  that  could  have  gotten  them  in  trouble,  so  they
               thought they had been going unnoticed, or so it had seemed. However one night while our king was standing
               alone on a small beach surrounded by jungle, he was training when an elite soldier tried to attack him. Now
               as things are, our king had already trained himself far beyond the elite soldiers of this army and killed him
               flawlessly. He tied rocks to the solders body and rolled it into the water. As the body rolled into the water, a
               huge rip in the sky appeared and a wild eyed warrior was glaring back at him from within it. As he looked at
               this warrior and whatever he could get a glimpse of in this tear was truly unreal. This warrior was surrounded
               by mounds of dead inhuman bodies .he was standing in one of those pile of bodies with one in his hand and
               sword  overhead  ready  to  strike  ,but  the  body  was  already  slumped  dead,  So  now  he  glared  at  our  king
               though this rip in time. The kings friend showed up and the rip disappeared. The king told his friend all that
               he had done and all that he had saw. They talked of these things and crept back to the compound just hoping
               nothing would come of all this. Sleep was uneasy, morning came fast, but the day went without trouble .The
               next day went the same, however the third day was when it all hit. All the cells in our quarter was brought
               before the leader of this province, he informed us that an elite soldier had been killed and that instead of
               slaughtering all of us, we are going to be traded to the eastern slave trade ship that had arrived early this
               morning. So the king his mother and his friend along with the rest of  the slaves from that quarter were
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