Page 8 - Our King
P. 8

Our King

               Normally these men would be long dead for their ages ranged from 250 to 300 years. However we have been
               living in a strange time where men do not age as they should. So these men joined our campaign. We sailed
               to the west continent. It was a massacre .The western armies were extremely violent full of war mongers.
               The takeover was long and intense .Years went by until finally we had taken the whole continent. We set all
               new good leaders in place to take care of all the people justly and peacefully. We keep some men here in the
               west also they will be checked on 3 times a year to make sure all is well. We sailed back to the east to where
               we call home now, and to where our kingdom awaits us. Now from the start of our campaign until now has
               been 300 years .300 years of blood. Like I had said before men do not age like they should our bodies age till
               30 then stop, our king is the only one with white hair, his hair is if snow however now stained red no longer
               can it be washed out. When we returned it was to an amazing celebration, for we had sent some ships on up
               ahead to tell of all that had happened. So we ate we drank, laughed and talked until sunrise. Now from that
               day forward there was no war. Our king ruled for 1500 years of peace .Then he had the dream, the dream of
               the  emerald  door  .For  in  our  culture  men  dream  of  an  emerald  door  then  3  days  later  an  emerald  door
               appears in your chamber and you have to walk through it. We don’t know where it leads no one has ever
               came back and no one has ever refused. We believe the gods are in charge of this .As expected within 3 days
               the door appeared, me and his mother happened to be in the room when it appeared. He made me king and
               charged me with the care of his mother. He stepped through the door and was gone. Now reading this you
               might think I have my history wrong. Well bear with me a little longer before you judge me mad. He went
               through the door and was now gone, me and his mother looked at each other, heartbroken. Our king had
               built paradise on this planet. He enjoyed it for 1500 years. Now had to go, something felt off about the whole
               thing. And we were to find out why. You see the divine determine who goes through the door, we have no
               control of this. It did not take long before strange things started to happen. Huge things started to come out
               of the sky, some hung in the air while others would appear and disappear at will. Then it happened a full on
               assault of our planet, and they did not look like men they were creatures or something we could not tell. We
               had never seen such things before. We fought and fought the battle was fierce and we were losing badly. We
               had been losing thousands a day, it was unreal. Now once again you must be thinking that my memory is
               failing me, for you would remember no war especially with creatures you had never seen .Listen to me a little
               further and all will become clear. Now the next part I only know as was told to me by our king. He told me
               that after he had went through the emerald door, he was instantly attacked by the gods and devils. He said
               he had fought with them for a time immeasurable. But as things go the place where he was there actually
               was no time. Time did not exist here. He battled with them for what felt like forever. When finally he could
               see nothing moving as far as he could see. He looked around and there were mounds of these god and devils
               scattered all over the terrain ,then he remembered that time on the beach when he was a young man and he
               had just killed that elite soldier, and that rip in the sky appeared, this was the scene he had saw this that was
               before him now in real no vision this time , he stood there and thought hard about that time when all of a
               sudden a rip in the fabric of time appeared and he could see himself on the beach rolling the soldier into the
               water. Realizing this he spoke out to himself, and told him of all things and that when he was to enter the
               emerald door he was to take his armies through or all would be lost. For he himself could not do it alone. Our
               king could hear movment behind him they were coming multitudes of gods and devils were pouring over the
               landscape. For the first time ever in his life our kings heart sank, he shouted though the tear make sure you
               do these things or it is all lost, and the rip closed. Now I will not claim to know how time works or things of
               that sort, sort themselves out. What I do know is that all of a sudden the war stopped on this side of the door
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