Page 7 - Our King
P. 7

Our King

               sides that no one has seen yet, they will come at this time as well ,and so the archers will strike just before
               we are able to meet the other army. So our king went out to the center of the battle field and waved out
               their leader. He laughed at our king mocked him, then open the cage with the black leopard. The leopard ran
               straight for our king ,he did not move ,not until the leopard leaped at him, he rolled underneath it as it was in
               the air, hammered his hand under the leopards rib cage and tore out its heart, spun it in the air and landed
               on it heart in hand .As soon as this happened the other army let the spotted leopard out ,it came hard at our
               king, and when it got to him all you saw was dust .So much dust that neither army  could see what was
               happening. Then it stopped and when the dust had settled our king was on top choking the leopard out ,it
               was starting to pass when our king stopped and gave her mercy .He let it go ,and from that day forward she
               never left his side .She was in all our battles from then on as well. Any way at this moment when he had
               beaten her the army that sent her at our king now stood there hearts failing swords and shields dropped and
               we attacked utterly destroyed them .This is how Kumbala came to be with us. We  had just taken 3 new
               provinces and were resting in a castle we had just taken. Our king and kumbala went out to do some training
               as they liked to do whenever they could. Now from what I am told and from what I saw ,they were out
               training and ran across a pride of lions .Our king and kumbala figured it would be fun to challenge this pride
               so they did and won. For when they returned the pride had followed them. Our king thought since they were
               here we might as well see if they will help our cause. So he laid out the plan for taking the next kingdom
               utilizing the lion pride. In the morning we had seized the perimeter, we had let no man escape so the castle
               had no warning of us coming. As we surrounded the castle we could hear that there was a celebration going
               on. Our king walked into their main room, when he had done this it all went silent, Then their leader spoke
               up started daunting and mocking our king for coming in alone was he a fool .Our king smiled looked over to
               this leader and asked if he would like to surrender .The leader laughed at our king ,then kumbala came in the
               room then the lion pride ,now this leaders laughing and mocking now turned to fear clutching his sword he
               was not going to surrender and this we knew, he could not win and they did not, we massacred them. Doing
               this and the other strategies our king used in battle word was spreading across the continent of all these
               strange but deadly war strategies. Of which I myself have written 4 volumes in our main library of our kings
               war tactics and strategies. As you might have already guessed that we took no prisoners or should I say only
               when we had a use for prisoners in battle, they never lived long any way. We would cut their tongue out and
               brand the back of their head then put on our battle raiment. Then we would use them in many different ways
               ,we would use them as fear tactics ,sometimes by killing them in front of the other army ,they would think
               we were killing our own men ,we used them to carry in what we call the cradle of fire into the enemies army
               then it explodes and everyone dies .War is cruel and we utilized any and everything we could ,we    had made
               battle an art ,we had done it so much by now it was like breathing already we could not be stopped and we
               would not be. We conquered all 35 provinces .We had taken the great king of this continent and everyone
               inbetween, all the armies fell, even their mightiest armies fell all laid to waste .We had more than 35 battles
               for this continent is full of armies fighting in the name the king all corrupt. We had fought them all and won.
               So  things  grew  and  became  as  they  are  now  on  this  continent.  With  our  king  as  ruler  of  this  continent,
               creating the continent that he had envisioned for everyone, a place of peace and wisdom. In case you think I
               have forgotten about our kings mother I did not. He found her as a slave in the kings castle, now she sits at
               his side. Our king set his sights now on the western continent the one which he was born on. He gathered his
               armies  together.  Then  something  strange  happened  tens  of  thousands  of  men  dressed  in  battle  raiment
               came to join us, these were warriors from the kingdoms before the evil one that we had just conquered.
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