Page 6 - Our King
P. 6

Our King

               him to kill me first, because he was sure that they had their hand in the contract on his head as well. For they
               feared him and wanted him dead as well. We decided that we were going to take the two provinces capitals
               ourselves to earn the loyalty and respect of all the people we were going to call to help us in our campaign.
               Each of us through our travels had collected at least 1000 men, and the king had also collected names of men
               he wanted as leaders, healers, treasures and wise men .These he had collected as well .He was going to build
               a continent. So we went to the castle of the ones that hired our king first. We utterly decimated them, we
               slaughtered everyone, not one man stood. Without rest we rode to the province that had hired me to kill our
               king. There as well we slaughtered them all, none escaped us. At that point we sent messages out to all we
               had found in our travels, in whom was a good heart and great in his corresponding skill. We told them it had
               begun .we have taken the two most northern provinces, or at the least the capital and strongholds were
               ours. No armies or leaders of the great king of this continent are here, it is ours. Here we will start. It did not
               take long and they all started to show up. The first were the warriors eager to fight for the right cause for
               once  .To  know  that  know  betrayal  laid  in  wait  for  them  only  freedom  and  peace.  Then  the  rest  started
               showing up. When all had arrived our king rallied them all together, in one place. He went over the plan with
               them all and gave tasks to the ones he had picked for these provinces. The treasurers he told to open the
               vaults and distribute the money amongst the people. The advisors he told to open the store houses and make
               sure all have to eat so none may steal. Told the healers to go through the land teaching people how to heal
               body mind and spirit. Wise men go through the land as well and teach all men in all things, as well teach
               growth in ones skill. For all contribute .all men have gifts. So he gave them all instruction in the things they
               were to do .And all went and did according to his word. The people in these provinces were pleased with the
               new rulers changes and resisted not .For they all despised the great king of their continent, and had hoped
               for a change for many years. Now the king turned to his army, full of the greatest of  all warriors on this
               continent. So humbled that they all came .now his heart quickened by the idea that now he was responsible
               for all these men, he did not want to let them down and by his will he won’t. The ruler of this continent had
               not send help for these two provinces that were his and are now ours. Our king figured he thought we would
               be stopped before we got to him, so he sent no one to help or recapture them. Our king told them of all
               these  things  and  of  his  plan,  and  how  they  were  going  to  execute  it.  So  we  went  forth  and  started  our
               campaign. Now to tell you of all the battles that we had been in would fill a whole library. I am told that our
               kings wife is writing of the battles of our king. However there are battles that cannot go without saying and
               some that should not. As we began to take more territory the armies to which we fought against started
               growing more and more large and violent, and really some just crazy. All trying to be the ones to stop us.
               Now this was in a time before our king had gained the companionship of kumbala. Most of you only have
               known our king with her but there were battles before this union. On one such time was when we were
               camped, going to take over a city  the next day. Our king was out training while we  all slept, he did this
               whenever  he  could,  even when  at war  .While  out  he  came  across  the  enemy  camp,  so  he went  off  and
               gathered together a herd of elephants and ran them through the camp, running in with them killing any man
               that do not get trampled .He came back to the camp making a bunch of noise waking us all, there he was
               standing there with the enemies flag. He brought us to their camp to see and collect weapons rations and so
               forth .The time he won Kumbala was truly a site to see .We were facing a massive army ,battle lines were
               drawn there was about 200 feet between the two armies. Face to face we were. The other army had two
               leopards one black the other spotted .Our king turn to us and said stay here I go forward alone ,however
               watch for their hearts they will fail at one point ,this you must see and attack then. We have set men on the
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