Page 11 - Report on the infringement of rights and guarantees of attorneys in Ukraine
P. 11

                 IN VIOLATIONS
                 OF ATTORNEYS RIGHTS

            identification of an attorney                    detention of attorneys;
                              with a client:                 pressure on attorneys by politicians
                                                             and the public.

                                                              murder of attorneys;
                 out-of-court instruments                     attacks on attorneys;
               of influence on attorneys:                     damage to property of attorneys;
                                                              threats and verbal harassment.

                                                             bringing a defence counsel as a witness
                              criminal and                   in proceedings;
                disciplinary prosecution,                    searches of attorneys’ offices and
                or threats of prosecution,                   residence;
                              of attorneys:                  criminal prosecution of attorneys;
                                                             bringing disciplinary actions against
                                                             attorneys for lawful acts.

              denying attorneys access                       failure to fulfil duties on ensuring presence
             to their clients and removal                    of  client for  participation in a court
                   of a defence counsel                      hearing;
                        from proceedings                     abuse of  the  right  to  engage  public

                                  violation                  failure to accept evidence of defence
                   of the basic principles                   or disregarding of such evidence;
                                                             interference with questioning of witness;
                                 of judicial                 lack of confidential communication with
                              proceedings                    a client.

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