Page 7 - Report on the infringement of rights and guarantees of attorneys in Ukraine
P. 7

At European level:

                    European Convention on Human Rights

                    provides for guarantees of advocacy:
                    "Everyone charged with a criminal offence has the following minimum rights: ... to defend
                    himself/herself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing or, if he has not sufficient
                    means to pay for legal assistance, to be given it free of charge when the interests of justice so
                    require"  (item 3 (c) Article 6)

                    Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on the freedom of exercise
                    of the profession of lawyer

                    underline the fundamental role that lawyers and professional associations of lawyers play in
                    ensuring  the  protection  of  human  rights  and fundamental  freedoms,  and also desire to
                    promote the freedom of exercise of the profession of lawyer in order to strengthen the rule of
                    law 9

            Basic principles:
                all necessary measures should be taken to           lawyers should not be refused access to a
                respect,  protect   and   promote    the            court  before  which they are qualified  to
                freedom  of  exercise  of  the  profession  of      appear, and should have access to  all
                lawyer without discrimination and without           relevant files  when defending the rights
                improper interference from the authorities          and interests of their clients in accordance
                or the public, particularly in the light of the     with their professional standards (item 7);
                relevant provisions of  the  European               all lawyers acting in the same case should
                Convention on Human Rights (item 1);                be accorded equal respect by the court
                lawyers should not suffer or be threatened          (item 8).
                with any sanctions or pressure when acting
                in accordance  with their professional
                standards (item 4);

              International  provisions  and guarantees of advocacy  have been enshrined in
              detail at both world (UN) and European (Council of Europe) levels of international
              law. The national regulation of advocacy is largely based on these international
              instruments, complies with them and is generally a direct borrowing of text from
              international provisions.

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