Page 8 - Report on the infringement of rights and guarantees of attorneys in Ukraine
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                OF ADVOCACY

               The Constitution        The Criminal Code           The Criminal          The Law of Ukraine
                  of Ukraine               of Ukraine               Procedure               "On the Bar
                                                                 Code of Ukraine            and Practice
                                                                                              of Law"
            guarantees         the   provides for a number    provides           for   de facto reflects the
            exercise    of   legal   of   leverage   tools,   guarantees    of  the    above    provisions  of
            practice                 ranging    from   the    right  of   defence,     international    legal
                                     possibility of quashing   which   reflect  the    instruments and treaties
                                     a decision, which was    provisions defined by
                                     delivered    with   a    the Body of Principles
                                     violation of the right to   for  the  Protection  of
                                     defence  (Article  409   All Persons under Any
                                     of    the     Criminal   Form  of  Detention  or
                                     Procedure  Code of       Imprisonment,   1988,
                                     Ukraine (hereinafter  –   and     the    Basic
                                     the “CPC”)), to liability   Principles on the Role
                                     for   unlawful   acts    of Lawyers, 1990
                                     against an attorney
                                     pursuant  to  effective
                                     legislation of Ukraine

                       THE CONSTITUTION OF UKRAINE

                       guarantees  a  detained person  the  right  of  defence  in  court,  adherence  to  adversarial
                       procedure and the principle of equality of all participants in a trial (Article 129). The legal status
                       and the guarantee of independence of legal practice were also enshrined at the level of the
                       Basic Law (Article 131 ) following the amendments to the Constitution dated 2 June 2016.

                       THE CRIMINAL CODE OF UKRAINE

                       provides liability for:
                       violation of the right of defence by denying access to or failing to provide a defence counsel
                       in a timely manner, as well as other gross violations of the right of a suspected or accused
                       person of defence committed by an investigator, prosecutor or judge (Article 374);
                       interference with the activities of a person’s defence counsel or representative by creating
                       obstacles in any form to the lawful activity of a person's defence counsel or representative
                       providing legal aid, or violation of the guarantees of their activities and legal professional
                       privilege provided by law (Article 397);
                       threatened violence or violence against a person’s defence counsel or representative, as well
                       as their close relatives in connection with activities related to the provision of legal aid (Article
                       deliberate destruction or damage to property belonging to a person’s defence counsel or
                       representative or their close relatives in connection with activities related to the provision of
                       legal aid (Article 399);
                       murder or attempted murder of a person’s defence counsel or representative or their close
                       relatives in connection with activities related to the provision of legal aid (Article 400).

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