Page 109 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 109


   II>                (ALSO  KNOWN  AS  BREAD - BAG  KNOT)
   ~         t first glance, this knot looks very sin1ilar  to a reef k~1ot,  but, in  fact, it is tied so  that the
   CJ  Ashort ends are  on  opposite sides. Legend has  it that sailors  tied  up  their kit bags
   z      containing clothes  or foodstuffs - hence 'bread-bag  knot' - with  this knot, but thieves  would
   z      retie  the knot using a granny knot, thereby  revealing  that a theft had taken place.

                                                   Pass  the other end of
                                                2  the cord  through   ...-'11'."""">C;..
                                                the bight just  made,
            Make a small                        angling it towards
          I  bight in one                       the short end of
          end  of the cord.                     the bight.

                      Take  the working end of
                   3  the  cord around the back of
                   both  parts  of the bight.

                                                                Tuck the working end  back
                                                             4  through the bight so  that it
                                                             emerges and lies  alongside its
                                                             own standing part.

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