Page 53 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 53


                 (ALSO  KNOWN  AS  TRIPLE  OVERHAND  LOOP)

            ven stronger than the double version
         E because  of the extra  turn, this loop is
         most often used  by anglers, who tie  it  in
         extremely fin e monofilaments.

            Make a long bight in  the
          I end  of a length  of cord.

                                                    Work out any  unevenness
                                                 4 in  the body  of the  knot and
                                                 work it into  a smooth , barrel-
                                                 shaped  knot with  your fingers
                         Tie a treble  overhand  knot
                      3 (see  page 40).
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