Page 57 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 57


             bowline  (pronounced 'boh-linn') knot is  one of the most used  knots. It gets its name
         Afrom the bow-line, a rope that held  the  weather-leech  of a square sail  forward - closer to
         the wind - and stopped the sail  from being taken 'aback' - turned  inside out. Today  it is used
         for a variety of jobs because  it will  not slip, loosen  or jam.

            Form an  overhand loop  by
          I  bringing a long working
         end across  the  standing
         part of the rope and                                             Take the
         hold  the crossing                                            3  working end
         turn in place with                                            behind the
         one hand.                                                    standing part.

            Take the working end through  the  crossing
         2  turn from  front to  back, leaving a long loop
         in  the  working end .
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