Page 12 - 13 Cotton SA November 2017
P. 12


                                                                Monsanto, BASF Agree to New

                BAYER  TO  SELL  SEED  AND                  Restraints on Controversial Herbicide
                                                                  onsanto  and  BASF  over  the  past  year  began
              HERBICIDE BUSINESS TO BASF                      Mmarketing  new  versions  of  the  dicamba  weed

               ayer has agreed to sell its seeds and herbicides
                                                              have  struggled  to  kill  weeds  that  have  developed
            Bbusiness to BASF for approximately $7 billion    killer to U.S. soybean and cotton farmers, who for years
                                                              resistance  to  other  commonly  used  herbicides,  like
            in cash. The sale is intended to secure regulatory
                                                               Monsanto's  Roundup.  Monsanto  developed  new
            approval of Bayer's planned $66 billion purchase of
                                                               were designed to resist dicamba, which would allow
            Monsanto.                                          genetically engineered soybean and cotton seeds that
                                                               farmers to spray it onto these crops without damaging
             BASF,  the  world's  third-largest  maker  of  crop  them.                    But  farmers  and
             chemicals,  has  so  far  avoided  seed  assets  and
             instead pursued research into plant characteristics
             such as drought tolerance, which it sells or licenses
                                                                                            dicamba, historically
                                                                                            prone  to  drifting
              out to seed developers.                                                       crop researchers say
              Bayer previously offered to sell assets worth around                          onto  neighbouring
                                                                                            fields,  has  proved
              $2.5 billion, but the European Commission said in
                                                                                             difficult  to  control.
              August that the divestments offered by Bayer did
                                                                                             Scientists who study
               not  go  far  enough  and  Bayer  had  to  sell  the
                                                                                             weeds estimate that
               LibertyLink-branded  seeds  and  Liberty  herbicide
                                                                                             dicamba  over  the
               businesses, because they compete with Monsanto's
                                                                                             summer  damaged
               Roundup  weedkiller  and  Roundup  Ready  seeds.
                                                                                             more than 3 million
               The spread of Roundup-resistant weeds in North
                America  has  been  a  major  driver  behind  Liberty
                                                                  engineered to resist the chemical.
                                                                  The impact of the rules limiting sprayings of dicamba
                sales.                                            acres  of  fields  planted  with  soybeans  that  weren't
                The  sale  to  BASF  is  conditional  upon  Bayer's  herbicides,  announced  by  the  U.S.  Environmental
                                                                   Protection  Agency  (EPA),  may  affect  Monsanto's
                acquisition  of  Monsanto  going  through  which  is
                 expected to occur in early 2018.                  biggest-ever biotech seed launch (soybeans engineered
                                                                   to  resist  the  chemical).  Under  EPA's  guidelines,  only
                                                                   supervision,  will  be  allowed  to  spray  dicamba
                New Biodegradable Polyester Fibre                  certified  pesticide  applicators,  or  people  under  their
                                                                    formulations manufactured by Monsanto and BASF next
                 DuPont recently announced its latest innovation    year.  The  EPA's  new  limits  focus  on  the  application
                                                                    issues  and  do  not  address  volatilization,  herbicide
                 - Apexa® biodegradable polyester fibre. Apexa is
                  a  biodegradable  polyester  that  decomposes
                                                                    experts and farmers said.
                  through  industrial  composting  without  creating
                                                                     Monsanto proposed the changes and won support for
                  harm  to  the  soil  or  environment.  Developed
                                                                     them  from  the  agency,  according  to  a  company
                  through  patented  and  innovative  technology,
                                                                     statement. Monsanto has blamed much of the damage
                  DuPont Apexa fibre breaks down into simple CO2
                                                                     say the weed killer is risky because they can vaporize
                   and  H2O  to  reduce  textile  waste  and  limit
                                                                     and drift across fields, a process called volatilization.
                   environmental impact. It also blends with natural
                   fibres such as wool, cotton or cellulose to enhance
                   their attributes, making them stronger, softer and
                    more durable.                                    on improper application of dicamba. Specialists, though,

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