Page 18 - 16 Cotton SA December 2018
P. 18

Filium makes ordinary fabrics extraordinary

        Imagine a life where your favourite cotton,

        wool, silk, or linen clothes shrug off water,
        resist stains, and refuse to smell anything
                  but fresh after weeks of wear.

                                                                                  The Filium process is safe for people
                                                                                  and  the  planet.  No  nanoparticles  or
             long  with  food  and                                                harmful chemicals that can break down
         Ashelter, clothing is one                                                and leach into skin or the environment,
         of our basic human needs.                                                are used.
         And  while  we  might  think
         about how much things cost        From anti-microbial bandages to mess-
                                           proof  scrubs,  Filium  can  reduce  waste  It's not sweat that makes clothes smell,
         at  the  store,  or  complain     and make hospitals safer.
         about doing laundry or dry                                               it's  bacteria  that  grows  when  sweat
         cleaning bills, we don't see                                             soaks into fabric. Since Filium repels
                                                                                  liquid, perspiration evaporates through
         the  hidden  costs,  like  the    Come home from a dirty job looking as
         heavy  environmental  foot-       clean  as  you  did  when  you  left.  the  breathable  fabric  leaving  clothes
         print of clothing production.     Construction workers, chefs, custodians,  smelling  fresh  even  after  a  hard
         It's a pretty big deal.           anyone who makes a mess or cleans one  workout.
                                           up can benefit from Filium workwear.
         Filium's  about  more  than
         water resistant clothes. It's                                            Wine,  coffee,  melting  ice  cream  -
         a  breakthrough  that  could      It's astonishing how quickly kids get dirty.  anything  you  used  to  worry  about
         make a huge impact on the         Filium could change all that with kids' and  ruining your clothes runs right off Filium-
         world,  in  the  form  of         baby  apparel  that  resists  the  most  activated fabric.
         drastically reduced carbon        determined mess-makers.
         emissions and pollution. It
         feels good to put on a shirt                                             Dunk a Filium-activated shirt in water
         (or  coat  or  whatever)  that    Filium's ability to make any natural fabric  and it'll still get wet. But since the fabric
         not  only  makes  you  feel       resist odours, repel water and dry faster,  repels  the  liquid,  it  dries  up  to  40%
         more  comfortable,  better        can transform athletic apparel. Work up  faster than regular clothing.
         protected,  and  ready  for       as much sweat as you like, and still enjoy
         anything    -   but   also        soft, breathable qualities of natural fabric
         represents  a  choice  that       against your skin.                     Filium-activated  fabric  acts  and  feels
         can  actually  make  a                                                   just like regular cotton, wool, linen or
         difference in the world.                                                 silk - because it is. The core technology
                                           Imagine  hopping  on  a  plane  for  a  is  produced  according  to  bluesign®
         "ABLY",  the  first  brand        weeklong  trip  without  even  bringing  a  standards for sustainable materials and
         activated   with   Filium,        carry-on. Everyone from backpackers to  production.
         debuted with a line of 100%       business  travellers  can  go  farther  with
         cotton T-shirts and hoodies.      less stuff.
                                                                                  With  clothes  that  resist  stains  and
                                                                                  odour, less time is spend doing laundry.
                                                                                  What's  more,  by  reducing  how  often
                                                                                  clothes are washed and dried, Filium
                                                                                  can  make  a  significant  dent  in  our
                                                                                  carbon footprint.

                                                                                 Extracts from the website
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