Page 20 - 16 Cotton SA December 2018
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he production of textiles is one of the most        training.  Producers are encouraged to develop
        Timportant  processes  that  contribute  to             their  practices  further  by  striving  to  meet
        pollution in the world.                                 improvement      indicators,    reflecting   the
                                                                fundamental concept of continuous improvement
        Sustainability is the buzz word these last couple       in BCI initiatives.
        of  years,  starting  in  the  late  1990's.  In  South
        Africa  the  Cleaner  Production  (CP)  project,        The ideas and expectations of both projects are
        sponsored by DANCED (Denmark) was launched              basically  the  same.    The  question  arises  as  to
        in 2002 and ended in 2004.                                                   which  programme  is  most
                                                                                     successful and why. Where
        Water, energy and chemical                                                   it  was  found  that  SMMEs
        use,   container    manage-                                                  had very little success with
        ment, staff training, vehicle                                                CP,  small-holder  cotton
        use  and  maintenance,  soil                                                 farmers on the other hand
        management as well as dust                                                   were successful in obtaining
        and  soil  waste  generation,                                                BCI approval.
        were the core issues for CP.
        Cleaner  production  assess-                                                 The  success  of  CP  can  be
        ments helped the industry to                                                 seen  in  the  change  and
        better understand how types                                                  amendments     of        a
        of  waste  are  generated  and  how  much  waste        country's  legislation  dealing  with  all  industries.
        related costs could be reduced.  It also touched        The outcome of the CP project was the creation
        on ecolabels and the production of organic cotton       of  a  national  programme  hosted  by  the  CSIR
        based on organic standards. The CP did not only         (the National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC-
        investigate the textile industry but also included      SA)) on behalf of the Department of Trade and
        other  sectors  like  pulp  and                                              Industry.  The programme
        paper,  leather,  chemicals,                                                 promotes  the  implemen-
        food,  metals,  plastic  and                                                 tation of Resource Efficiency
        rubber.                                                                      and  Cleaner  Production
                                                                                     (RECP)  methodologies  to
        Around 2014 a new initiative                                                 assist  industry  to  lower
        came about in South Africa,                                                  costs   through    reduced
        namely  the  Cotton  Cluster.                                                energy, water and materials
        Again sustainability, coupled                                                usage, and waste manage-
        with  traceability,  amongst                                                 ment.
        others, was the centre of this
        project.  Part  of  the  Cotton  Cluster  was  the      On the other hand, BCI is a voluntary programme
        introduction of the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI)      without  legislation  but  closely  monitored  with
        which  is  also  an  international  project  with       Cotton  SA  acting  as  the  South  African
        countries  like  India,  Pakistan  and  Mozambique      implementing partner.  A growing number of local
        also participating. The BCI principles and criteria     cotton farmers (large, medium and small) have
        cover  the  most  significant  global  issues           adopted the BCI standards and according to the
        associated with cotton production and the BCI's         assessments have obtained BCI compliancy.
        theory of change, calls for transformation of the
        cotton  production  sector  towards  sustainability     Together  with  their  field-level  partners,  BCI
        from the farm to the retailer.                          reduces  barriers  for  smallholder  farmers,
                                                                enabling  them  to  produce  cotton  more
        The core indicators of BCI are, amongst others,         sustainably though ongoing support and capacity
        standards for crop protection and pesticide use,        building.  Participation  is  voluntary;  cotton
        soil  health  and  structure,  water  management,       farmers  make  their  own  informed  decisions  to
        decent  work  ethics,  biodiversity  enhancement        participate  in  the  BCI  programme,  and  then
        and land use, fibre quality, record keeping and         commit to a process of continuous improvement.

    20                                                          Helena Claassens - Cotton SA
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