Page 12 - The HandPrint_March-April
P. 12


                                       Why we walk

                                                                 By Beth Beddow, Learning & Development
                                                                 Every 34 seconds, an individual in the U.S. dies
                                                                 from heart disease, taking more lives each year
                                                                 than all cancers combined. Our Purpose of
          The Goldie and                                         Saving Lives and Making Life Better through
          Jerry Lippman                                          Well-Being Solutions informs everything we do,
          Education Grant              and this is why GOJO is proud to participate as a 2018 American Heart
                                       Association Akron Heart Walk sponsor. We invite you and your family to
          RECIPIENTS                   participate and represent GOJO at this family-friendly event!

        •   The son of Jeff Kurtzer,   Mark your calendars!
            Nicholas, is a recent
            recipient of the Goldie &   The 2018 American Heart Association Akron Heart Walk will be held on
            Jerry Lippman Education    Saturday, September 15, 2018 at 8:30am at the University of Akron’s Stile
            Grant.                     Field House. All employees and family members who register by
                                       August 1st will receive a t-shirt. Join a GOJO American Heart Walk
        •   The son of Lance           Team Today!
            Nelson, Jacob, is a
            recent recipient of the
            Goldie & Jerry Lippman
            Education Grant.
                                       CONTACT ONE OF OUR GOJO HEART WALK TEAM CAPTAINS TO
        •   The son of Lance Nelson,   JOIN A TEAM:
            Lucas, is a recent
            recipient of the Goldie &
            Jerry Lippman Education      Team Captain                          Team Name
                                         Jenn Baumann & Kim Bogucki            LC Health Raisers
        •   The daughter of Martin       Kerry Bingham                         Tick Tock We Don’t Stop!
            O’Toole, Shannon, is a
            recent recipient of the      Ann Boyd                              TBD
            Goldie & Jerry Lippman
            Education Grant              Doug Detwiler                         Christopher Walkens
                                         Jeff Buysse                           Walkie Talkies
        •   The Srini Venkatesh,
            Rahul, is a first time       Alanna Dreussi                        Clot Busters
            recipient of the Goldie &
            Jerry Lippman Education      Valerie Ewing                         Got Heart?
            Grant                                                              The Pacemakers
                                         Stacey Henline
                                         Jill Henry                            IT Takes Heart

                                         Jessica Holbrook                      Heart Pumpers
                                         Jessica McCoy                         Lace Up and GO(JO)!
                                         Linda McNeil                          Code Walkers
                                         Debbie Novak                          Get Up and Go!
                                         Kaley Tocco                           Pericardium Prancercizers
                                         Marlin Wendland                       Heart Conditioners

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