Page 11 - The HandPrint_May_Safety_Electronic
P. 11


                                                                            By Kim Bogucki, Shipping

                                                                            The GOJO Distribution Center, Lippman
                                                                            Campus has a pond that is home to many
                                                                            animals, including ducks, geese, turtles,
                                                                            fish, and even some snakes. The DC
                                                                            pond is accompanied by a great walking
                                                                            trail for you to connect with nature and
                                                                            relax a bit!
                                                                            With safety in mind, on May 7, 2018, the
                                                                            Lippman Campus Distribution Center
                                                                            “Housekeeping Team” played an
                                                                            important role for our GOJO pond walkers
                                       and animals. Not only did they fix the loose rocks on the pathways down to the
                                       trail area, but they also collected five bags of trash, including pieces of plastic
                                       that could have caused a choking hazard for the animals that live at the pond. If
                                       you’re ever at the DC, stop by and take a leisurely stroll around the pond.

                                       Thank you to the DC Housekeeping Team for their dedication to maintaining a
                                       clean and safe environment—for both our GOJO team members and the
                                       animals that habitat around and in the pond. DC Housekeeping Team members
                                       include: Chris Arao, Angela Arrendale, Kim Bogucki, Megan Booth, Liz Cowher,
                                       Rob Emens, James Forsyth, Jan Garvin, Bonnie Miller, Teresa Moneypenny,
                                       and Krista Shaffer.


              By Beth Beddow, Learning & Development

              According to the National Safety Council, more than 50,000 crashes occur in parking lots and garage
              structures annually, resulting in more than 60,000 injuries.  No matter what GOJO Campus you
              typically work at, or where you might be visiting, parking lot safety should always be top of mind.
              Parking lot safety is more than driving slowly and obeying the posted speed limits. Here are some
              safety tips for all drivers:
              •  Obey posted speed limits. Did you know the speed limit in the parking lot at GOJO Lippman
                  Campus (Manufacturing and Distribution Centers), the GOJO Plaza parking deck, and the GOJO
                  Wooster Campus parking lot is 10 miles per hour?
              •  Obey posted directional instructions. This includes driving the appropriate direction in one-way
                  parking lots, such as those at GOJO Lippman Campus and GOJO Plaza.
              •  Stay in lanes and avoid cutting across parking spaces or the lot.
              •  Drive slowly and use directional signals.
              •  Anticipate the actions of other drivers.
              •  Obey stop signs and no-parking signs.
              •  Avoid any form of cell phone usage while driving.
              •  When backing out, be mindful of vehicles and pedestrians.
              •  Be mindful of shift start and end times, and give yourself extra time.
              •  Ensure visibility by removing ice or debris from your windshield before getting in the car.    11
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